Day 3 NY

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May 19th 2010
Published: May 19th 2010
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Can't believe today is already day 3 of our trip. We woke up to Rosemary's alarm that wouldn't stop ringing. That was probably why we were all sleeping on the train on our way to New York. Our first stop was at TKTS to get our tickets for Phantom. We got orchestra tickets, row 1! Afterwards, we planned to go see the Statue of Liberty. However, on our way there, we got distracted by sparkly things at a jewelry shop at Seaport! By the time we were done shopping, the weather got worse. It was pouring and the wind was strong. So, we decided to do more shopping at Century 21. Rosie got a super cute Hello Kitty pj! Maybe she'll take a picture and post it up later. Anyway, after 2 and 1/2 hour of shopping there, we headed to Times Square since our show started at 7. Our taxi driver was super aggressive. He drove on a one-way st going the opposite direction and Rosie looked like she was going to cry. haha. Anyway, after that scary drive, we got to the theatre district. The Phantom was really awesome! I especially like the part when the chandelier was coming down onto the audience. I was very impressed. We had dinner at Un, Deux, Trois. It was a French cuisine if you didn't figure that out already. Very good food! We had chicken crepe, penne with gorganzola sauce and NY cheesecake! Ohh, and we had french cuisine in the afternoon at Les Halles. We had steak and duck! Anyway, that is it for now. We are all tired and wanting to take a shower. Good night! - Pris

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23rd May 2010

Hi, keep the posts coming and photos posted :) I am going to NY in August (from Sydney, Australia) and looking for ideas! You ate at Les Halles - the Anthony Bourdain place? how was it ??

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