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May 17th 2010
Published: May 17th 2010
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Last night we stayed at Mairee Pool. Where we camped there was heaps of toilet paper and rubbish. And it was the best place yet (as well as the worst) because the water was crystal clear and had the smell like lemon. And I really had energy.

In the morning we left. We went to Dampier. There was heaps of gas towers and ther were giant gas tanks. And there were lots and lots of rocks. On the rocks there were aboriginal carvings called petroglyphs. There were carvings of turtles and fish.

Dad and I went fishing. Dad caught a Potato Cod and then I caught a Coral Trout. Then we took the guts out and scaled them and stuff. There were heaps of people in 4 wheel drives there.

After we left Withnall Bay we saw signs that people were exploding. We saw salt mines. They get water from the sea and put it into a big pond and they let the water evaporate and leave the salt.

In Karratha we went shopping and only got bread and milk and tomatoes. I got a banana milk. Then we went to the pool to have a shower, but I asked if I could go for a swim and Mum and Dad said yes so I had a swim and a shower.

Now we’re on the road again and we’re going somewhere different. Bye.
(Off to De Grey River.)


17th May 2010

Twisted tale
Hi Jasper, People were exploding. Sounds very bloody! Hope you stayed intact. Mrs Schmidt
17th May 2010

You sound like you are having lots of fishing adventures! I love fishing, it's very relaxing, but also exciting! I haven't been fishing in ages. Dad and I used to catch lots of fish on canoe trips, but he had to do the gutting and scaling because I was way too squeamish. He always said that it was just a part of fishing. I hope it's lots of fun! Have a bite of yummy fresh fish for me! x
18th May 2010

Exploding people
Hello everyone, It must be exciting to reach Broome. You sound like you are having a nice time. I like the photos that you are sharing with us. Poor Dad,getting bogged like that! I want to know more about the exploding people near Withnall Bay please. Cheers,Kim.

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