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Asia » China » Shanxi » Pingyao
March 9th 2006
Published: March 14th 2006
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Pingyao was our favourite place in china so far..we arrived and walked past street vendors and markets and inside the city walls which is the only complete city wall in china. the difference from everywhere else we had been was has all its old traditional architecture, no pollution as cars are not even allowed in the city and is full of winding streets leading to nowhere in particular full of laterns, pedicars and markets..we got to our hotel which was a traditional courtyard house and then explored..we walked around most of the wall..looking into the hutong and able to see the entire city, and to the bell tower ect.. and also to some of the museums there which were brilliant; a national postcard museum, national newspaper museum..great comedy value. there were poeple playing chess and cards all over the places and smiffman had an encounter with the towns monkey!(picture to come soon!) mika

theres a travellers inn where there was free internet and nice western food and was basically where we spent most of our time eating and drinking. we met two other backpackers fergus and rydian (the first english people we had met in china basically) on the first day and ended up going out for dinner and drinking most of the night...arguing about the merits of jack johnson and comparing him to michelangelo and rapheal..(?), and debating about whether anyone knew anything about anything and if i was allowed to say bollocks in front of the queen.. only problem was that when we got our of the pub we found that the entire of pingyao had gone to sleep, all the street lamps off and not a soul in sight. and also no matter how hard we knocked..our hotel was shut (although the manager claims she was waiting up for us). so we had to spend the night in the the hostel that fergus and rydian were staying in and discovered the ridiculous sized beds they had they were about 10x5 foot massive things...

next day we all woke up with huge hangovers and went to visit a temple out of town on a rig shaw before getting lost around teh town walls fro an hour or so..went to go and play pool on the roadside and ended with an east vs. west clash between me and some chinese guy.unfortunately the west lost but put up a good fight!
and then caught a train to xi'an..

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rydian and ronald weasely (fergus)rydian and ronald weasely (fergus)
rydian and ronald weasely (fergus)

guys we went drinking with and exploring the banging nightlife in pingyao

15th March 2006

The dreads are looking good.... Thats all i have to say really....bye....
15th March 2006

happy birthday
happy birthday darling, sounds like u had an amazing very scared of the hairdressing incident mika...what possessed you to agree? terracotta warriors looks amazing and little chinese streets...god i'm so jealous!!! Cant believe you're going to thailand so soon, hope you have the best time-most important thing is to get a tan...and bury fantasical treasure for me to find in years to come...hope you're still wearing turquoise, love you sooooooooooo much, email soon, lucy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
17th March 2006

antastic piccies chaps...very glad to hear that you can drink alcohol..chee already getting worried!!
20th March 2006

hello guys!
Nice to hear that everything is okay with you! We are hoping that you have a great time, because we really have. Laos is great! Very beautiful nature and very friendly people, not like the chinese-guys :) Take care!!

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