Working Girl

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December 11th 2009
Published: December 11th 2009
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So...I am officially a working girl! Still in Brisbane. I started on Wednesday in a call centre. Phil, who is an English "bloke" I live with hooked me up with this job, which was really nice of him. That said, it was the worst day of my life work-wise, but I was more than willing to do it if it meant I can stay in Australia! The upside? It pays $21/hr. More good news? I got promoted on my second day, so I am off the phones. Hooray! I am now the Admin Assistant to the Manager. How's that for climbing the corporate ladder in a hurry? Haha! It's pretty sweet though. 11 AM - 7 PM, Mon - Fri, with an occasional short Saturday shift. Pretty good really.

As of now, the plan is to stick the job out until the end of the month for sure, maybe longer, depending on how much I can sock away. If all goes well, I will be flying to Perth on New Years Eve to meet up with Simona, the Slovenian girl I was traveling with before. We'll spend New Years and a few extra days there, then take a train to Adelaide. From there, we would rent a campervan and travel the Great Ocean Road.

If saving doesn't happen at quite the rate I hope it will, no big deal, I am still loving Brisbane and all of the great people I have become friends with here. I am actually really, really excited that I managed to get a job here. I was really nervous about Christmas and being somewhere new and not knowing anyone. That could be pretty lonely. But being here, there is a quite a large group of us that have been here awhile and it will be good. Rachael, another English friend is planning to stay for Christmas now and we have 3 Frenchmen buddies who plan to spend Christmas with us too. We may head out of Brisbane, find a beach on the gold coast and have a "barbie", which is Australian Christmas tradition. It's pretty funny, Rachael, myself and the Frenchmen usually spend a few hours hanging out every night, and Rachael and I have been teasing them that all French people say "Ah hah hah, mon cherie". They disagree. Haha! I will try and post some pics of them too. Maybe a video too! 😊

Anyway, all is well with me. Today the temperature is 29, but feels like 37. It's sick. But then again, I will take it over the minus and ungodly temperatures that you guys are facing.

Hope to hear from you all soon! For anyone who doesn't have my email address, it's




11th December 2009

Happy Chirstmas
working girl article was very nice

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