Goodbye Bali

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December 3rd 2009
Published: December 9th 2009
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Thursday Dec. 3rd - (I wrote this almost a week ago, just couldn't get to the web...)

Goodbye Bali! You’ve been great to us, but it’s time to continue exploring.

Last night we went up to Uluwatu, which is a small community up in the in the hills with a temple built in the 16th century perched right on the edge of a 100 ft. Cliffside overlooking the Indian ocean. Aggressive monkeys patrol the area, stealing tourists glasses and keeping everyone slightly on edge. Beash and I fed a few before going in to see the Kecek performance at sunset. Kecek is performed by an all male group that creates beautiful sounds by chanting, singing at clapping in unison. They tell stories from the Ramayana using decorative costumes and interpretive dance. The Balinese people are rhythmically gifted, the chanting and syncopation of the clapping was mesmerizing. Look “kecek dance” up on youtube, you’ll see. We have been staying in our friends’ villa in Seminyak (the trendier, posh region of Bali) for the last few nights. It’s an amazing place with our own pool and air conditioning and the perfect way to close out our time here. Tonight is our last night so we are going out with our friends and hopefully having a seafood feast on Jimbaran Bay. Max and his roommates have been awesome. They’ve gone out of their way to take us places, give us directions and teach us the local language. We have seen a good portion of the island, made four overnight trips and made some great new friends during our stay here... Alicia and I both agree that one month was the perfect amount of time and we are both excited to get out on our own.

We must mention our newfound friend Mary Poppins. About a week ago while heading to the bay, Alicia spotted an adorable puppy lying limp on the side of the road. We pulled over, picked her up and she’s been our companion since. Bali has a massive problem with stray dogs. Many of them have mange and rabies and no one to care for them. Mary was weak but looked relatively healthy and after a few days of proper food as rest she’s a little champion. We are arranging to get her vaccinations, a few charitable organizations provide the service for free. Although we wont be able to keep her when we leave, she will be much healthier and will have a place to come back to when she wants fresh food and water.

We will be flying from Bali to Singapore tomorrow, staying there for a day or so and then using trains to slowly make our way up to Bangkok. We plan on stopping off in Kuala Lumpur,a few smaller islands off of Thailand’s coast such as Kho Phi Phi and Kho Phagnan and any other town that catches our eye. I have a friend from college in San Diego that has been living in Bangkok for two years so we hope to link up with him to stay for a night or two and get acclimated. Alicia is excited to taste authentic Thai cuisine, I am as well but am a bit fearful of the spices searing off my tastebuds.
Overall we are in good health, we had a few bouts with stomach viruses but our meds and rest have healed all. We hope everyone back home is doing well and getting ready for Christmas! We love you all and hope to hear from you soon!

Marcus and Beash


9th December 2009

Beashers and Marcus! You sound like you guys are having the trip of your lives! I am so excited to hear that you are having such a great time! Beash, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We will have to have a very belated celebration when you get home! I love you and we miss you! Christmas is so soon, we will miss having you around but we will be thinking and praying for you! lots of love, Chris and Genevieve
10th December 2009

Mary Poppins
You guys are born to have a pet, seems like whereever you go ;-) Nice of you to take care of the little one. It's coollllddddd here, about 40ish, which we're not used to. Looking at your warm picture is taking the chill off. I sent Alicia a bday wish so have a good time on her day! It seems very strange not to be able to send you a christmas present; where do you think you'll be on Christmas? Love, Mom

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