Beaches and Bears

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March 8th 2006
Published: March 8th 2006
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Manly Ocean BeachManly Ocean BeachManly Ocean Beach

but we're walking down to Shelly
Not really a lot to say about the last couple of days because having discovered that Sydney has real beaches we’ve spent them, well, laying on one of them topping up the tans. A good beach as it happens, called Shelly Beach not because they can’t spell the poets name but on account of it being composed of broken.....shells. It’s in the Cabbage Tree Bay conservation area (don’t even ask) of Manly and is about a 20 minute walk out of town. Consequently it doesn’t get too crowded. It’s also the only west facing beach around so the sun stays on it longer.
There’s an exhibition of some United Nations sponsored bear sculptures on the harbourside, one for every country represented, which arrived today so there’s a couple of pics of those, for no other reason than that’s all we’ve done.
Oh, and I overheard a conversation among the american kids here while they were listening to a comedy mp3.
‘That’s what’s so funny about comedians, they say the things that you think but you don’t think are funny’
Yes I know, I wasn’t sure either, but I’ve worked out that these kids are here on some college junket, and here
Shelly BeachShelly BeachShelly Beach

Where we've been for the last couple of days
they can get hold of alcohol. ‘Nuff said.
Hope the beach pics don’t lose us too many more friends.

Hi Darlings, if it’s any consolation I’m going through some serious CJ mourning, which is weird because there are very few dogs here and all those I’ve seen are on leashes and obviously very well looked after. Still remember the cute brown puppy in a market in Thailand that obvious needs me, but weird how these things hit you. Beaches are fab, no smoking, no drinking on them so what do you do? Guess things stay clean longer and there is a slight feeling of sanitisation, is this a good or bad thing? hey it certainly ain’t London!

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Some of 124

with great sentiment

8th March 2006

Photo "this one's for Steve"
Thanks for the photo. I assume the relevance being "Holy Moley" and not the superannuation insurance plan nor the dental surgeon or orthodontists for teenagers advertisments! Take care, Steve
13th March 2006

8th March
What are you supposed to do on non-drinking, non-smoking beaches? I am confused. Surely you didn't/couldn't play volleyball?

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