Bath and Beyond

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September 28th 2009
Published: September 28th 2009
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We made it. After 2 flights and 1 bus and 0 sleep, we finally arrived in Bath at 11:00 am. With no hotel to check into yet, we stored our bags and set off to see the sights. We visited the Bath Abby and the Royal Crescent and Royal Circus (previously only seen in our architecture books) The Royal Crescent is also one of Johnny Depp's homes! We also took a walking tour sponsored by the City of Bath (free!) to get some of the history of the area. After a good night's sleep, we got up early Monday morning and caught a bus tour to Stonehenge, Avebury Stone Circles (bigger than Stonehenge), and 2 small quaint villages - Lacock and Castle Coombe. Pride and Prejudice was filmed in Lacock. Tomorrow we are taking another bus tour to some of the Cotswald villages (to see many thatched roofs).

Hope all is well at home.


28th September 2009

Happy to hear from you
Glad to hear all is going well. Sounds like you are seeing interesting stuff! Have fun. The Riders beat Edmonton on Saturday--23-20!!!!! Take care. Love, Mom and Dad
29th September 2009

Sounds like you're having a blast. Take care and have fun, be sure to keep the travel blog updated when you can. Peace out kids!!
2nd October 2009

correction to the circus comment
I looked it up in Emma - they went to Astley's Circus at the Royal Ampitheatre (I think in London). Guess I got mixed up because of the different royal references. -Miranda

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