Getting Ready to Head Out...

Published: July 7th 2009
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On the road againOn the road againOn the road again

On the road again
Hello Friends,

I just wanted to quickly send out a message as I get ready to leave for Mongolia in just two more days! I hope to continue to use this blog to communicate with you through my summer adventure. I have finished graduate school and have two months to travel and explore. I will start by heading to Mongolia to begin on a Habitat for Humanity project for two weeks, then Luca will join me to head by horseback into the Mongolian steppes, the two of us then plan to take the trans Siberian to Beijing. After that adventure I will be flying to Paris to join my brother. It should be a terrific summer! Best wishes and I look forward to staying in touch with you through this blog.



7th July 2009

safe travels
Hi Siobhan, good luck and what an exciting adventure! Can't wait to see the photos and hear your stories. I hope you were able to connect with Diana. Give my love to luca and patrick. love, Aunt Kathleen
9th July 2009

Siobhan, Thanks for taking me to yet another country I have yet to experience. Have fun and safe travels. Janet

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