We made it!

July 4th 2009
Published: July 4th 2009
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Hello Family and Friends!!
We (Wren writing) come to you, happy and sweaty, from Kumasi, Ghana. We arrived in Kumasi this afternoon on a bus from Accra, the capital city, and were picked up by Ralph, the Liberian man (and friend of Renee) who will show us around Kumasi and Cape Coast (more on that later). On Thursday, we arrived in Accra around 6 and met George, a friend of Renee who had come to pick us up for the second time (he thought we were supposed to arrive Wednesday). We then had a filling dinner of fried rice and potato chips (what you Americans might call french fries) at George's friend's restaurant and listened to some American rap music. Then, completely exhausted from our nearly 20 hour trip, we rode to our hotel (the Tri-Circle Hotel) and crashed for the night. In the morning we had breakfast with George, who is in the Ghanaian Army, and his younger brother Daniel AKA Ryss (Rice) (funny story: Rice got his nickname because when he was young, he tried to sing a song that went "Alright, alright" but sang "Fried rice, fried rice"), who is a production manager of Empire Records (a Ghanaian record company). Then we went with George to get his car (a '74 Renault) fixed. We sat and listened to some High Life (more traditional Ghanaian music) and talked to George and Rice. After that we went to see George's father who works for the government to catch officials who are embezzling money. He was very welcoming and even said he would have some police officers check out the situation in Kumasi to make sure it was safe for us because he used to be the police commander there. Then we went to see the grave and museum of first Ghanaian president, Kwame Nkrumah. And speaking of presidents, the entire city of Accra is getting ready for Obama's visit on July 10-11. They are painting the curbs, planting flowers, and there are countless billboards telling Obama "Akwaaba!" (Welcome in the Ashanti language). We had lunch at George's Army Mess. Then we went to visit another friend of Renee's (Amelia) who lived in a sort of village within Accra. She was making lots of food including the traditional Ghanaian dish, banku, which is made of corn and cassava root. Then we relaxed for a while and later that night (around 10) we went out on the town (with George to protect us, of course). We went to Oxford Street (apparently a very famous street in Accra) stopped at an outdoor club/restaurant and talked and danced with some of George's friends. We also met a very outgoing Pakastani man who told me, "I live in Michigan!! You come to Michigan, you live with me." George calmly explained, "They don't drink in public in Pakistan." We took a few pictures with the parking lot guys who, after every picture exclaimed, "Lovely!!" Then we headed to a night club where Ryss/Rice was holding a Micahel Jackson night (we unfortunately missed the impersonators) for Empire Records. It was very fancy and even air conditioned and we were disappointed to hear that if we had come the night before, we would have seen the famous Ghanaian soccer (football) player Essien! We danced with lots of people and had a great time and then went back to the hotel, slept for a couple of hours and were up at 7:30 to catch the bus to Kumasi. But since this blog entry is already quite lengthy, we'll tell you about those adventures (and many more!) tomorrow. So now, we leave you, even sweatier, but just as happy.

P.S. Happy fourth of July!! Watch some good fireworks for us.


4th July 2009

Happy 4th!
our fam is celebrating the 4th in Berkeley, Laurel, and College Park - I hope you wore your red white an blue today - sounds like our summer weather is over in Kumasi - still having Spring temperatures in MD. Love your blog - keep it up!
5th July 2009

Wow you guys have done an awful lot in a short time. Sounds like you hit the ground running. Things are good here, good weather, getting work done. Rob Roy was over today getting the new table saw running. I dims the lights in the whole neighborhood. Keep the posts coming!
5th July 2009

Glad to hear that you've arrived safely and are meeting some colorful characters.
5th July 2009

so happy to hear
Wow! sounds fabulous. I must admit, a little part of me wishes I was there with you all. Sounds like a lot of fun and many great experiences! Jimmy would definitely love this trip. Thanks for the posts; keep them coming. much love, linda
6th July 2009

More, more!
Hi Guys Please give us another little bit after that cliff hanger... We miss you! Can't wait to read as much as you are willing to write. What's it smell, sound, look like all around you? What did people in the night clubs think of a bunch of blond/redheaded girls coming in? And what was your father doing sending you off with a guy he'd just met a day and a half before? Be safe and have a great time...I love you. Mama.
7th July 2009

so glad to hear from you!
thanks for writing such a lengthy report of your first day! I miss you all! it was great week in Mexico....so glad I got to where you all were before, love, kappy
7th July 2009

wow...you guys have had so many great adventures already! I'm so happy for you :)
7th July 2009

Hey Wren and Anna...It looks like you all are having a great adventure. We enjoy and look forward to your blogs. If you run across a hand made basket could you pick one up for you Aunt Ferae. She has a collection of baskets from all over the world. She cant get them herself do to the fact that planes and boats are out and there is no interstate to Africa. I will cover it when you get back and come on down on the first. She even has a Chinese basket from Aruba. Have fun Ken
7th July 2009

Don't worry so much!!
Oh Mom! If you had met George, you would know he was trustworthy. He was the one who made us leave early and was very very careful and protective of us. Don't worry! We love you. Have fun back home!

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