Relaxing on the Coromandel

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February 7th 2006
Published: February 15th 2006
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Well my time in New Zealand is coming to an end but not before I experienced a few more once in a lifetime activities with my dolphin swimming trip and a skydive!

The dolphin trip was remarkable. The weather held out and although I was seasick on the boat we were able to enter the water four times to swim with the dolphins as the pod passed through the area the baot was floating in. The dusky dolphins are completely wild and the pod we came across numbered about 200-300 dolphins. Divers were providied with snorkels and masks and we just jumped right in with the dolphins! They were quite inquisitive and responded well if you tried to make noises through your snorkel at them or sing to them. If you swim in a circle then they followed you round in a circle as well. We were encouraged not to touch them as they bruise easily apparently. One girl on our boat had been on dolphin trips four times before but had never got up the courage to actually jump in and swim with them. She managed it this time though and the look on her face was great.

We saw common dolphins in the pod as well, distinguishable by an orange coloured stripe down their side.

After my aquatic antics in Kaikoura I headed to Lake Taupo on the North Island with one thought in mind - New Zealand's (and possibly the world's?) cheapest skydive. I have always thought it would be exciting to do one but the price and my lack of courage has always put me off. I reasoned that trying the cheapest skydive wouldn't cost me much if I chickened out. (Mum- it is only cheap 'cos three companies have priced each other out of business, not because it is badly run or unsafe!) Anyway, as I climbed into my harness and looked around the hangar I turned round and saw a tall, fit bloke striding towards me who introduced himself as Brad Rock, my South African tandem master. Well, how could I feel nervous with someone with such a solid sounding name! He was an absolute hoot and I didn't have time to feel scared and think about the jump as he kept me and the girl next to me entertained with his antics on the flight up. As the door slid open at 12,000 feet I did invoke the Almighty's name several times and wonder what the heck I was doing but as I was strapped to Brad and he wanted to jump, I didn't have any choice really! I laid my head back on his shoulder and we left the aircraft by a rather unconventional means!

After the first few seconds when my stomach got left in the plane, I just felt the wind in my face and it didn't feel like I was falling at all (funnily enough, it didn't really feel like I was flying either!) I was able to take in the scenery and Brad turned us round a few times. Lake Taupo is in a volcanic region and I could see Mount Doom from Lord of the Rings in the distance. I was to the side of the lake (and also had a lifejacket on my person in case we landed in the water!) I didn't need it however, and after the parachute open we could talk quite easily and just enjoy the views before landing.

After the skydive I made my way up to the Coromandel Peninsula and enjoyed a leisurely few days at Whitianga exploring some of the lovely beaches and had an interesting time at Hot Water Beach. This unusual stretch of coastline has hot springs right on the beach. If you dig yourself a hole at low tide, it will fill with hot water and you can indulge in a spa before the tide reclaims your bit of sand.

New Zealand was as amazing as I remembered it and I am so pleased I was able to return. I am off to Australia now though and looking forward to some sunbathing on those famous beaches. I'll be travelling by myself and meeting up with friends and relatives in Brisbane and Sydney.


15th February 2006

Hey you!
Sounds like you are having a fab time!! I am very jealous!
20th February 2006

Well well, it all sounds rather tame to me...plummeting towards mount doom with Brad in tow...I hope you find something marginally more exciting to do in Oz ;-) Take care and enjoy! Lots of lovexx

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