LA: normal city, normal people

Published: June 25th 2009
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June 25th 2009

Where not to find a celebrity
There are so many places in L.A. where celebrities don't go. Alex and I found many of them. Despite the best laid plans, a map of celebrities homes, tips from locals, a whole day in L.A. produced not one celebrity. Oh, well, PJ Harvey who is, or at least was, a celebrity of the minor rankings. We did, though, see the gates to lots of famous people's homes: the Beckhams (after accidentally taking a photo of their neighbours' house, which was ungated hence very un-Beckham), Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, the Playboy Mansion (which is located on Charing Cross Road!), Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, Jennifer Lopez and the guy she is married to. Simon Cowell's house is right on the road so we got to see that, and all the Mexican builders working on his house. The highlight had to be driving past Courtney Cox's house just as someone turned into their drive. Oooh, we saw the carport and the Mexican nanny/housekeeper. And maybe their daughter.

Despite the lacking of famed sightings, driving through Beverly Hills and West Hollywood was rather delightful. Whether they were home to famous residents or not, the houses were - for the most part - gorgeous. In amongst the gems, however, were some pretty normal houses. Some quite ugly houses too. Seems not everyone has taste or so much money. Not that a house in Beverly Hills is ever going to be cheap. But generally, we were struck how these were just normal people living normal lives, relatively speaking.

You can always find a celebrity in a film, so we went to see The Hangover, a new film with the delectable Bradley Cooper (and his very white teeth). This film was perfect preparation for our trip to Vegas, although I (Alex) really hope we don't end up with a tiger and chicken in our bathroom. What Alex actually means is this is terrifying account of all the things that can go wrong if you go to Vegas for your stag/bachelor do: stealing a police car, marrying a prostitute, pulling out your own tooth. All things, Alex, you must refrain from in the next couple of days.

Alex's birthday surprise
A trip to Universal Studios. As I (Alex) would say: 'that's sooo exciting'. Alex says that a lot. Actually that is the most common response I (Jenny) ever have from her. That's because everything is generally very exciting (says Alex, especially buying a house, which my boyfriend Mark has just done; had to slip that in somewhere).

Back to the matter in hand. We had a very long, very detailed and fascinating tour around the working studios. The best thing we learnt about the tricks of the trade were about sound effects. For example, there are two guys who create all the women's footsteps in Desperate Housewives, by donning high heels and dresses (okay, well maybe not the dresses) and walking on the spot on a two square foot piece of concrete. Alex, don't forget the props. We almost lost the tour group whilst exploring the prop room. It seemed to be a store for all the old props - everything looked rather dusty and a good 15 years old. Still amazing to see row after row of telephones, salt shakers, curtains, photo frames, hairbrushes, board games, mummies, scarecrows, traffic lights, telephone boxes. An endless list but I will stop there.

Go to Universal for the tour not the rides. There's lots of preparatory time wasting to 'set scenes' for the various themes, but the actual rides are nothing to write home about, so I won't bother writing any more.

More potential celeb spotting
Not too disheartened by our initial failure, we hot footed it (very un-LA) to Venice Beach, the neighbouring district to Santa Monica. It took an hour to walk, we were thirsty on arrival. Fortunately the bars were open and willing to serve us (of course, after checking our ID - it's flattering even though we know they ID everyone, regardless of age). Even more fortunate, all the beautiful boutiques were closed saving our wallets from some hard work. Alex nearly got cast in a movie (very LA), Jenny spotted - in her mind - a proper celebrity: Tobias from NCIS. Alex was not impressed. In fact, she stated quite clearly that she didn't care. But that was after no dinner and a couple of apple martinis and it's fair to say we were both a little worse for wear. She was suitably impressed the next day.

Pretty women
One guess where we went yesterday? Shopping, of the window kind, on Rodeo Drive. Jenny says window shopping but she did actually buy some perfume from the nicest Bulgari shop I've ever been in. That done, we went to the bank, looked around Jigsaw (yes, Mel, I know you will say I could do that in London and indeed I could but do they have free Hersheys chocolate in the London Jigsaw??!!) and tried on some overly priced but decidedly gorgeous diamond jewels in a well-known, blue boxed jewellers.

The Farmers' Market really was a lot more exciting than Rodeo Drive, simply because we saw Diane Kruger. Finally, a proper bona fide celebrity with amazing 5 inch heels. In a market. Is she really bona-fide celebrity? Well, we could only think of one film she has been in (National Treasure with Nicholas Cage), but she is Joshua Jackson's girlfriend which should count for something. We ate some gorgeous seafood and headed downtown to see Union station, which was used as a location in Blade Runner.

Alex learns to drive, LA-style
Everyone warned me about driving in LA. It's definitely an experience. Somewhat more hectic than London, but not that treacherous, unless of course you have Pamela guiding you. No, we didn't pick up Pamela Anderson on our travels. I'm sure Betty Boy isn't big enough to fit her and her appendages. Yes, Alex christened my GPS system Pamela. Pamela apparently implies (in Alex's head at least) a nice but ineffectual older woman. Pamela looks fine on the dashboard but is, in fact, largely more of a hindrance than a help. She is slightly slow on giving instructions (or maybe Alex drives too fast?!) and a result U-turns and turns round the block are a frequent occurrence. But as Alex just said to me, at least in the States you can drive round the block. Thank goodness for grid systems of planning.

To say driving around downtown LA and along the city's freeways was a baptism of fire is an understatement. We both kept our cool (maybe thanks to the air-conditioning?) but crashed out back at the hostel. Think I will be driving out of LA today, with Alex taking over to drive us into Las Vegas (baby!) so I can admire the view.

Last but not least, a real, true, definitive, well-known, A-list celebrity
Oh yes, we finally did it. Patience is a virtue and we are among the most virtuous. Hang on, we'll give you some clues: Batman, the Saint, Heat. And according to the IMDB website, millions of TV series more recently, which could explain why he looked so haggard. Have you guessed yet? Yes, it was Val Kilmer. Considerably older, fatter and less good looking than in the old days of Heat. He was by himself, reading a book and had to leave the restaurant in an hooded sports top.

We had to go all the way to Nobu in neighbouring Malibu to achieve this spotting. But Val was quickly forgotten, as we tucked into probably the best meal either of us has ever had. Really. Truly. Amazing. On a high, we sped back to Santa Monica singing along to Jenny's Ipod which we finally got to work through the car sound system.

Sorry, I have to butt in here. She (Alex, not the cat's mother, as my mother would have said) failed to mention the chocolate spring rolls at Nobu. I almost slid off my chair after the first bite. But Alex would have disowned me. If I could eat one meal for the rest of my life, it would be Nobu chocolate spring rolls. The ones with white chocolate and strawberry. Forever. Every day.

Alex, please, continue.

(Jenny is salivating next to me just with the thought of dessert....)

We thought we would go check out the view of Santa Monica's coastline at night, through the handy use of a ferris wheel on the pier. I've never been on a ferris wheel before. It went all the way out over the water (or at least felt like it did). I don't like heights. I won't be doing that again.

Leaving for Las Vegas
That's what we're doing right now. It's supposed to be 38 degrees in Vegas. Which is handy as we've both run out of sweaters. I don't have any sweaters with me Alex, it's California in June.

Enough is enough. We can't put off the moment any longer. Pamela is raring to go and direct us out of L.A. via Norway.

Additional photos below
Photos: 18, Displayed: 18


26th June 2009

Great Bolg! (ooops.. the dylexia's no better.)
Dear Jenny, Thanks so much for the links to your blog. Great reading! And such a good way to keep in touch. Pleased to see you both enjoying the West Coast. Send our love to Alex. Hope Las Vegas lives up to expectation. Best wishes, Ray
1st July 2009

enjoying your blog
but we've apparently stopped getting e-mails to tell us you've updated it. This means that your even more elderly aunty just can't keep up... BTW you've not yet given us either your e-mail or skype..
2nd July 2009

Website problems
Ah, so you're not getting notification e-mails? Would explain why so fwe people have read the last two entries. I think there has been a problem with the site - serious problems putting on photos. Will rectify asap. E-mail is the same as always, jennyinthe.....No skype as yet. Have webcam though so will get on with that too! So much to do!!!!
2nd July 2009

This explains why I hadn't heard from you in ages. I thought you were both too drunk to email. Nonsense I have been three times to LV and nothing like any of those things have ever happened. I think the movie is more a warning of why you must never take Ruffies ("roofies" not "floories") whilst drinking vodka on a stag do. And Diane Kruger!!! Oh my god. She is gordeous. And speaks fluent german and french. And Nobu??? Edward thinks you are seriously living it up. Nobu is one of the most over priced restaurant in any country. But I agree the chocolate spring roles and blackened cod are amazing... And clearly it is the best place for celebrity spotting, after all didn't Becker have that unfortunate incident in a cupboard at the London Nobu? As for Jigsaw...? Jigsaw? Honestly, of all the stores to visit in the States, even with Hersey's. Bath and Body Works, Bed, Bath and Beyond....
2nd July 2009

Sorry everyone for the delay in getting the posts to you - definitely a glitch with the programme. My neighbour Doug thought I might have been kidnapped, and was kind enough to offer to pay the ransom. Fortunately it didn't come to that! Anna, you are looking forward to photos. Well, as you may have noticed, the Grand Canyon was missing from the Vegas blog. We never got there :( - it's just too far. My mistake. As for Yosemite, well, we only managed to drive through the park. My decision - figured I would rather drive straight through this time and give myself an excuse to go back another time for longer and do some proper exploring. What I did see was amazing. Mel, I did drink vodka, but no roofies, floories or stag dos, so maybe that's why we didn't get into any trouble. Still, would have liked to wake up with a chicken in the hotel room. Right, must be on my way.
8th July 2009

It sounds and looks as if you are having a terrific time and I am SO jealous! I've never been to California but it is right up at the top of the list now. I don't think you'll ever want to come home! Carry on enjoying yourself and keep writing the blog so we can enjoy it too!

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