Less than a week to go!

Published: June 23rd 2009
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Mario's house in PerezMario's house in PerezMario's house in Perez

This is where we will be living.
Less than a week to go! Boy has the time dragged! I haven't updated 'cause there's nothing to tell yet. I will be sending the link out today or tomorrow to friends and family so they can stay "in touch" while we are away. What's new? well I bought or rather rented I guess a GPS map of Costa Rica from a company called navsat. You can get a 10 day trial and then if you decide to buy it you only have to pay the difference in price. I think this is good because when I researched the maps they started at $25.00 and went way higher. What I found was some of them are just electronic maps that can track where you are, while others are actual GPS units that can guide you to your destination. This one is the GPS kind. It should be interesting to see how this works in Costa Rica since my understanding is there are no addresses, you live like 100 meters from the church going south or some such reference. So I have no idea how we are going to use the GPS. At least it will help going from San Jose to Perez (I hope). So anyway the deal is that you pay, tell them when you are going, give the serial number to your GPS unit (which took me 3 go rounds, who knew it was the numbers on the UPC bar?) and they send you the program to install on your GPS a few days before you leave. It is good for 10 days and then deactivates. I like the idea because I get to try it while we are vacationing and if I like it I can buy it for when we move there, you have 6 months. If it sucks I am only out about half of the full price. I will post how it goes.

So I am going to try to post a picture of my future house now. It's not much, but it's paid for. It's one of the reasons I am going down early to see what it is like and see like if I have indoor plumbing and stuff. My Mario laughs at all my fears and my family eggs me on. Who knows what's in store in Costa Rica?

Well that's it for now! I am nervously awaiting Saturday morning and the beginning of the adventure!


26th June 2009

I can't wait to see the rest of the house. It looks so charming. Have fun you two!

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