Visit to the Song Dynasty

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June 7th 2009
Published: June 9th 2009
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Song DynastySong DynastySong Dynasty

Entrance into the Song Dynasty
Song Dynasty
A warm day had been forecast so we decided to check out the “Song Dynasty Town” with our friends Cheryl and John. The song dynasty is here in Hangzhou and we had heard that the “town” was built in the original Song style, with streets lined with colorful shops, stores and restaurants. We were curious and it sounded interesting so off we went.
Our driver picked us all up and we made the 45 minute drive along the river to our destination. Driving on a Saturday along this road is always a nightmare. Wall to wall cars, lots of honking of horns and of course you always have the drivers that think it would be advantageous to get just one car ahead!!!
On our journey Kevin had a call telling him that we were being met at the Song Dynasty by one of his colleagues. We have noticed while being here that sometimes the Chinese just invite themselves along and we thought that this was one of those occasions. Thankfully it wasn’t, but they did want us to join them as a “group” to get cheaper tickets to see the show at the dynasty. We hadn’t exactly planned on
Song DynastySong DynastySong Dynasty

Megan and Sophie bargaining for a fan. They don't need any help anymore
seeing the show as it was expensive but we felt obliged to book it when we got there as the others were there waiting for us when we arrived!
We were finally able to walk around the “Song town” and so John, Cheryl, Kevin, the girls and I set off to explore. We had several hours before the “show” was to begin. Walking in we had great expectations and it was great to see narrow streets ahead of us selling lots of different items. As usual Megan and Sophie wanted everything and Megan amazed us with her bargaining skills in mandarin. Her confidence has grown so much while learning this language. Of course the fact that she can talk to them and understand the Chinese makes her feel superior over me cause let’s face it, as I have said before I can barely say a few words!!!!
As we passed some game stalls, Kevin decided to try his hand at a little archery. Showing his muscles (LOL!!) he pulled on an old fashioned bow and tried to aim at the bulls-eye 15ft ahead. I think he must have shot about 10 arrows and was pleased to have won a prize

Megan thought this Buddha was cool cause he was short like her!!!
until he realized it was a small furry thing attached to a key chain!!! Sophie loved it of course and proceeded herself with the help of John to throw darts to win a matching key chain at another stall.
We walked around the place looking at the many faces of the Buddha’s that lines the steps and pathways. Do you know that there is a Buddha for just about anything you can think off. Some of them are quite comical although I’m not sure the Chinese would agree with me! They probably think we are being disrespectful as we stand laughing at some of their sacred statues.
In the middle of the “town” was what I would call a children’s playground . There were rope bridges , climbing and swirling apparatus and walk ways built of ropes and moving logs. Right in the middle was a shallow water area with flat square and circular inflatable blocks all over it. They were attached together with ropes and the object of the lake was for the kids to run across from one side to another by jumping on these blocks. It looked easy but as we stood and watched for a moment
Bow and Arrow GameBow and Arrow GameBow and Arrow Game

Kevin flexing his muscles!!!
we realized that it was not quite so easy to balance on these floating blocks. Many people were spending more time in the water. I had been told ahead of time to bring an extra set of clothes for the girls in case they got wet so I told the girls to “go for it” and have fun! Watching the other kids it was quite amazing to see how their mothers just stripped them down to their underwear in front of everyone so that they could play. I’m not talking about toddlers either! These were kids of 10 and older. Kevin, John , Cheryl and I had a lot of fun watching the girls and all the other kids go in and out of the water. Sometimes they would fall with such grace!!!!
At one point a tourist group came to look and one of them decided he wanted to have a try. It was obvious that he had maybe drunk one too many beers at lunch especially as he could barely walk. He rolled up his pants and took off his shirt and didn’t even have one foot on the block before he took a nose dive into the
Song DynastySong DynastySong Dynasty

Family picture in front of the waterfall
water. You would think that he would have climbed out but no…he decided to go for a swim instead. The water was barely 2ft deep but it didn’t stop him. The security guard was called over cause his friends couldn’t get him out but he just stood and watched and waited for the drunk to get tired.
After getting the girls changed we sat down for a bowl of Beef and noodles at one of the cafes. The food was very simple but adequate and who can really complain when 6 of us ate for just $20.
Later in the afternoon we headed for the theatre to watch the show that we had originally not planned on watching. When we found our seats we were about 10 rows back from the front but there was a narrow walking space in front of us so we were able to stretch out and thought that possibly one of the acts would be walking in front of us to go onto the stage.
As the music started we were so excited to see the seating areas in front of us moved to the side, so there we were in the middle of the
Song DynastySong DynastySong Dynasty

We couldn't go without making John and Cheryl pose too!!!
front row. These seats were fabulous! The show started and all I can say is WOW! The special effects were wonderful including light and water displays. All of the performers looked incredible and the girls especially had elaborate and very beautiful costumes on. I was amazed by the skill some of the performers had as they flew around on scarves or twisted their bodies into positions that made my eyes water. Towards the end of the show a group of dancers came onto the stage and then climbed up onto our row, presented the girls with a special necklace and then dragged them on to the stage to dance with them. Megan and Sophie were embarrassed but loved every minute and were actually quite good at the steps.
As much as we had not planned on seeing the show we were now very glad that the situation had forced us to watch it. It was wonderful and something we won’t forget in a hurry.
Altogether we had a nice day at the Song Dynasty. There were odd moments when we would say ”only in China” for example when I once again lost my temper in the bathroom. The “Duck Billed
Song DynastySong DynastySong Dynasty

Just a little wet!
Platypus” group (white baseball caps with long bright orange beaks!!!!) charged the bathroom pushing past everyone waiting to stand in front of every stall there was. One woman pushed a young girl out of the way as she was opening the stall door to use it. I get very verbal in these situations, which makes me feel better but has no effect of the people I am yelling at. It’s a shame because these women who are always in a tour group from the country areas give everyone else a bad name!!!! It only happens here though (only in China) because I can just imagine the reaction if they tried it back home in the US. They’d be shot!!
Anyway we had a great day again and were looking forward to as many more before our stay is over!

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


Song DynastySong Dynasty
Song Dynasty

Water obstacle course
Song DynastySong Dynasty
Song Dynasty

The drunk before he took the plunge
Song Dynasty ShowSong Dynasty Show
Song Dynasty Show

These girls were amazing. They twisted their bodies into incredible positions while balancing on each other and balancing candles too
Song Dynasty ShowSong Dynasty Show
Song Dynasty Show

Megan and Sophie took to the stage

9th June 2009

Song Dynasty
Once again a brilliant explanation of your day. I can see you writing in tour gude books when you get home. Love Dad

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