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May 24th 2009
Published: May 24th 2009
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The ProposalThe ProposalThe Proposal

Tim holding the engagement ring, pops the big question! (She said "Yes!")

May 5: CINCO de MAYO

Cinco de Mayo is an Hispanic holiday which, among other things, celebrates spring. A church in southern California planned a big celebration and church outreach for the day. (For the Spanish deprived, the name means May 5.) My oldest grandchild, Tim, plotted with the pastor of that church to surprise the pastor’s daughter, Priscilla, with a visit, a marriage proposal and an engagement ring. Isn’t Tim a romantic one? Anyway, Susan, Frank, Tim, Rachel and Julian, Rachel’s fiance flew out to California for the big day. Since I was already in the area, I got to be part of the action, too. I drove down in the morning and parked the rig in a state campground on the beach in Dana Point.

The surprise wasn’t until 5:30, so all of us shopped, planned and visited until time. It was the first time Julian had ever seen the ocean, so we had a great time watching him enjoy himself. Tim bought a single rose, which he put into a special box and I wrapped with a big red bow. Priscilla “won” the box in a raffle her father
Tim and PriscillaTim and PriscillaTim and Priscilla

Newly engaged!
rigged just for her. When she unwrapped the box, read the note Tim had written, then looked up--there he was, going down on one knee. I was snapping pictures like crazy. What a great day! The whole church was in on it, but everyone managed to keep the secret, so she was totally surprised. I thought it was great of her father to help plan the whole thing while at the same time working on the church event. Apparently they all love Tim, there.

The rest of the evening was spent at the celebration which had food, piñata’s and lots of activities for the children. I wound up helping to make balloon animals and had a great time. We all ate home cooked Mexican food at the fair, then went to Priscilla’s mother’s house for even more. I waddled home in ecstatic misery, having eaten myself almost sick. It was so-o-o good!

May 6: I had planned to sleep in, rest and enjoy the beach today. Susan and Frank, however, had a 10:00 am flight back to Colorado. We all got up early and met for breakfast at 7:30. After Susan and Frank left, Tim invited me to
Cinco de Mayo FestivalCinco de Mayo FestivalCinco de Mayo Festival

The church really did a great job on their festival. It was huge!
hang out with the kids for the day. (Rachel and Julian didn’t fly out until after 5.) So “Grandma” played la Buena (chaperone) to two engaged couples for the day. I had a blast. We went to two different beaches, strolled along shops in Laguna Beach and visited Downtown Disney. (The latter happens to be about five miles from where Glenda lives. I had to laugh that I was touring back at the place I had just driven down from yesterday morning!)

Laguna Beach was breathtakingly beautiful. (Lots of photos there, including several of the kids scrambling around the rocks) I also took mucho pictures of surfers at another beach while the kids walked around the pier. This old lady did a pretty good job of keeping up with the youngsters. At times I was yelling, “If I can do it, you can do it!" I was sure tired that night though, and didn’t have any trouble sleeping!

I was so thrilled to get to visit with my kids, spend a day with my grandkids and getting to know their fiancees and seeing another beautiful part of California. The surprise proposal went off perfectly. I am crazy
Laguna Beach with FlowersLaguna Beach with FlowersLaguna Beach with Flowers

I loved this gorgeous beach!
about both Priscilla and Julian. Tim and Priscilla will
marry this September in California. Rachel and Julian will marry June 2010 in Colorado.

Cali--Don’t forget to tell them I helped with the ribbons and bow!

Oh, yes. Cali was a big help with the ribbons and bow!

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Fun on the BeachFun on the Beach
Fun on the Beach

The kids had fun dancing with the waves. A couple of times they lost and got wet! The girl in pink is my granddaughter Rachel (Tim's sister). Julian, her fiancee is beside her. Tim and Priscilla are in front of them.
Laguna BeachLaguna Beach
Laguna Beach

I took a lot of pictures at this beach! You can see why.
Riding it InRiding it In
Riding it In

One the pics of surfers I took at San Clemente Beach.

25th May 2009

Wow what stunning photos--I was actually born in California---Garden Grove---is that anywhere near where you were??
25th May 2009

I was so glad to see another episode in the adventures of Marty and her boss, Cali. Was disappointed that Cali didn't mention how she learned to open the door while she was here and her adventures with her harness and leash! Come on Cali, tell all! Looking forward to your next episode. Miss you two. Glenda
26th May 2009

Wait for the next chapter, Glenda!
26th May 2009

I stayed in Garden Grove almost two weeks! I have a cousin there.
4th June 2009

Small world
What a small world that you have a cousin in Garden Grove---are you going near the Hemet area??? My aunt Carol is there
7th June 2009

It sounds fantastic!
What an incredible time that must have been! It must have been so delightful to witness such an important event in your grandchild's life - in person! They look like an absolutely lovely couple. I've never been to Laguna Beach. I lived in Sunnyvale, California for a while, but I never traversed over to where Laguna Beach is. Although when we went back for vacation several years ago it would have been fun to visit. It looks as beautiful as everyone says. Please tell Cali she did a terrific job on the bow. : ) Amber
27th June 2009

Small World and Bad Kitty
Just now catching up on blog stuff! Cali has learned to wriggle out of her halter. I bought a new, smaller one! Thanks for reading and keeping in touch.

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