Fun Marburg weekend

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March 29th 2009
Published: March 29th 2009
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Hello, and welcome back to my world here in Marburg! Stayed in Marburg this weekend, and had a great time. Let's see... Friday most of our group went over to the one guys house and watched 'Trolls 2.' It is a realllllly terrible movie, but it has kind of become like a 'cult classic' of some sorts because of that. Apparently, the directors were Italian, so the script is just awful because the translations were not always great. Also, our friend said that the director did not use the usual technique of shooting a scene multiple times to get it right, haha. Needless to say, it was awful, but hilarious for that very reason. Anyway, I turned it in early after that cause I didn't feel like dancing (where most of my friends went after).

Saturday i went up to our castle. It was very cool, and it gives some awesome views of Marburg, and surroundings. Also, inside there is a museum and we checked that out for a while. Check out the pics for the nice panoramas. Lets see... after the castle, we went back to our places to get ready for the evening because... The Beatles were coming!!! Well, at least that is what the posters said, haha. The band was called The Rebeatles (yes, very clever) and they were pretty decent, especially for Germans. It was right in the Marktplatz so that was really cool. It was fun to sing along to all those classic songs. A beer, a brat, and the beatles=good night.

Sunday was another good day. Now normally, walking through Marburg on a Sunday is less than thrilling, but today was some Spring festival of some sorts. So all the shops were open, and there was live music, lots of food, performers, etc. Lots of fun. So I walked around, did a little window shopping, and had an ice cream. Also met up with friends for an early dinner. Side note on the restaurant that has become my favorite. It's called Paprika (yeah, not exactly a typical Deutsch name, oh well). They have this stuff called Auflauf. Well, not just that restaurant has it, but it is like a casserole type dish. There are all different varieties to try, and they are all pretty cheap. You can get a serving of Auflauf for €5. That's like a Mcdonalds value meal at home. But unlike Mcdonalds, this stuff is awesome. Ok, I've gone on far too long on Auflauf, my deepest apologies. Anyway, what I think I was getting at was that it was a fun time walking around with the crowds in the Oberstadt (old town where all the really cool buildings/streets are).

Hope you enjoyed another episode of Sean in Marburg!! Leave me some comments, sorry if I don't respond, but I promise I read them all and enjoy it. Keep enjoying life and live it to the fullest!

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4th April 2009

We hope you have a great visit with your family this Easter holiday.

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