Goodbye Australia

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January 11th 2009
Published: January 11th 2009
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What a fantastic time we have had in Melbourne.

Since we last blogged we have been to see the Penguin Parade on Philip Island. The penguins are known as the smallest of the peguin species and there are over 6,000 of them living on the island. They go fishing for food in the sea for 2-3 days during the summer months and they come inland once the sun sets. We opted for the penguin plus experience and watched between 500-1,000 of them huddle together in groups to waddle in shore to feed their babies!

Yesterday was fantastic too. We did an unlitmate tour of Neighbours. Firstly we visited Grease Monkeys and Carpenters Mechanics. We then got a tour of Harolds garden/vegetable patch, fllowed by a tour of Lasiters! Here we saw the General Store, Charlies Bar, Toadies Legal office and the Lasiters Hotel and Lasiters Lake! After this we were taken to the street itself - much smaller than I had imagined. We saw the Ramseys house, Dr Karl & Suzie Q's and some others too! We also got to meet Jonelle Timmins! Chris survived the whole experience!

Today we are heading to New Zealand - we can't believe the second stage of our trip is over and we are now over half way through our trip! Our time in Oz has been great and all should definately visit this great place at least once in your life - we are so lucky!

I hope you are all well at home and the weather is getting a little better?

Blog soon, lots of love Astrid & Chris xxx


12th January 2009

Hello New Zealand
Hello intrepid travellers! Your time in Melbourne sounds very interesting – have you thought of becoming David Attenborough’s apprentice? I’m sure you’d be really good! Can’t believe your Oz days are over and you are now in the ‘land of the long white cloud’. Chris will be happy now he’s actually in Lord of the Rings – be careful he doesn’t go off with any strange looking people or starts talking Elvish – mind he does have Hobbit feet so one never knows! I’ve been in severe decline since coming home to the UK – our time in Sydney was SO fab and we did some fantastic things that it’s taken me a while to get back into routine (God, don’t you just hate routine?) Also I am now thoroughly depressed that it is STILL winter here and you are still enjoying summer days. Ah well must go and turn the heating up and put all the lights on. Stay safe, have fun and look after each other. Chris – remember the deal, now that we turned up in Oz you know it’s true!!! My love to you both. Always Mum xxx

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