Missing you already - Happy New Year to all!

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January 5th 2009
Published: January 5th 2009
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Happy New Year to all readers!

Since our last blog we have had a number of fun packed and very exciting days!

The 31st (my b-day) was extremley fun packed! After recovering from the shock of the news that my mum had managed to purchase 4 Take That tickets we made it out to the harbour for a relaxed brunch. We chilled on the harbour for the afternoon watching lots of people set up for the new years celebrations ( we didnt want to venture to far as we needed to be back for our evening cruise on The Pontoon). The evening celebrations were spectacular as we cruised in the harbour and watched the Family fireworks at 9PM and the parade of lights (all boats on the harbour are lit up!) we were ready for the new years 2008-2009 dazzling fireworks! They were fantastic - all timed across the harbour and all accross the bridge!

New Years day was a very relaxing one - we headed out onto the harbour for a 2 hour harbour cruise on a Matilda Catamaran.

On the 2nd we headed into the city on the monorail and headed to the Queen Victoria Building for some shopping. Dad, Chris and I headed to The Sky Tower to see the views from the tallest point in Australia.

On the 3rd we had a fun packed day at Taronga Zoo. Here we saw some great animals including a Tree Kangaroo - very cute and suprisingly lives up a tree! In the evening we headed to the 360 degree restaurant up the Sky Tower for a wonderful scenic dinner in the revolving restaurant.

Yesterday we chilled in the Harbour, did another spot of shopping and waved goodbye to Mum & Dad. Thanks for such a fantastic time! Missing you lots already! Let us know you got home safe.

Today we are leaving Sydney for Melbourne on the night bus! Will blog again from our last stop in Oz (can't believe its gone so quickly!)

Lots of Love Astrid & Chris x


5th January 2009

Happy New Year & many Happy Returns
Asti/Chris I was sworn to secrecy not to blogg and slip up giving you any incling that they were coming out to see you for Christmas (only found out myself Tuesday before Chrimbo). I know they needed the trip - they were missing you. Your Dad has text me to say they are back safe in Newcastle and told me what a wonderful trip it has been. The adventures you all have had sound's fantastic - Sydney Harbour at New Year looked fantastic on the news here so it must have been wonderful to be there. Continue to enjoy your trip. LOL Uncle T

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