Merry Christmas!!

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December 25th 2008
Published: December 25th 2008
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Princess IslandPrincess IslandPrincess Island

Group photo at the opening of the cave...
Today is Christmas Day, our last day in Krabi! Yesterday we did a speed boat tour-- had the whole boat to ourselves except for one other couple. Went to various islands surrounding Krabi-- it was so beautiful!! At one stop, we went snorkeling. It was my first time ever, and a little scary at first as we were not near anything really, just an island that was basically 2 big rocks. Amazing snorkeling... I saw a beautiful sea anememy (how to spell?) I think that's what it was called, it was a large purple thing with hair like stuff and little clown fish all around it... saw sea urchins not to mention a zillion little fish and some exotic ones too. There were some fish that were low, close to the coral and actually blended in... some of the coral was gorgeous, with electric blue or silver tips. SO much fun!! The french guy in our group said he saw a baby shark, and Nicole said she saw a swordfish!!

The other island stops were for sun bathing and such. So pretty though. At one I paid $2 for a huge plate of fresh pinneapple, banana and watermelon-- yum!

Christmas Eve Dinner... with a mini santa and an orchid!

At another, the tide was so low that you could walk across the ocean between 2 islands on one little path. It was so pretty and so much fun!! At yet another island, princess island, there was a large cave to explore, and a strange altar/temple of fertility that featured multiple big penises.... wierd eh?

After that, Penny, Nicole and I went for horse back riding on the beach at sunset. While this sounds very romantic, it wasn't the greatest and I think I'm finally over the idea of horse back riding!! For starters, they picked us up and put us in the back of a pick up truck,LOL.

Dinner was at another seafood place, really good. I had Hormok curry with seafood in a young coconut, which arrived with a orchid! I brought my mini santa (thanks mom--click on the picture to make it bigger) as my center piece! Anyway later we're going to Koh Yao Noi... hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!!

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This is the first beach, lovely!
Walk Between IslandsWalk Between Islands
Walk Between Islands

Really pretty, except for thong girl up ahead!
Horsing AroundHorsing Around
Horsing Around

This was taken in the 2 seconds that I let the guide let go of the reins... he walked next to me the whole time! LOL

25th December 2008

Santa goes for a swim and gets bigger!! hehe love mom
25th December 2008

Michelle, it looks beautiful! i'm so glad you're having such a great time. Knoxville is sunny and in the 40's... we've been excited about that.. nothing compared to there!
28th December 2008

Krabi is so beautiful, and i live there.

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