Viva la difference....

Published: December 4th 2008
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... but it can be a hassle sometimes. The traditional siesta is firmly entrenched here which is great, but makes it difficult to get things done. We spent a few hours yesterday trying to find some info on the best route out of town, but everyone seemed to have a different opinion. It was hard to tell fact from fiction. We have three options by which we can cross from here into Chile: via an interesting pass through the mountains that may or may not be open, covered in snow, non-existent or infested with banditos; a 300km beautiful/boring/flat/busy main road; or a VERY expensive trip across three mountain lakes with a good road for biking in between. It appears there is a lot of competition or perhaps animosity btween Argentians and Chileans, so much so that maps here show only the major roads in Chile, the good-cycling minor roads apparently stop at the border.
The locals are otherwise warm and hospitable. At first it was hard to know if they were being friendly solely because we are gringos who might be keen to spend some money, but it seems they are mostly genuinely polite, friendly and helpful. We have enjoyed practising our spanish with the locals, many of whom are keen to try out their english on us. Today we had our final spanish class, which has been great, now we are ready to hit the road - let the adventure begin.
Just when we thought that we had made up our mind and were ready to depart early tomorrow morn on the muy lindo but muy caro boat, we think we have been talked into staying a bit longer in argentina. It all started when we tried to post our clothes up to Bolivia, another experience that taught us things are not always easy or straight forward here, three bus rides and counting with our 10KG boxes on our lap! We can only post them on friday morning (bugger) and it costs the same as if we were posting them from NZ!!!! Our departure has since been delayed, and in the process we have once again changed our route. We think we will stay in Argentina longer, crossing over to Chile near el Chaiten This apparently is safer (or is that just according to the biased Argentines?) cheaper, and also very beautiful.
Sorry for the lack of photos, the connection is incredibly slow in the archaic cyber cafes here. Promise more later. I can´t imagine how long a movie would take Kirstin! You´ll have to be paitent!


5th December 2008

adventure envy
so fantastic to see and read about your adventure! Thank you for taking the time to share so we can live vicariously. Be safe M
5th December 2008

Hmmmm... South American clothing delivery system?...
So you guys might be going it naked eh? I hope the courier system is as efficient as the NZ one. I'm sure they'll be knocking at ya door at 7am sharp! Have you considered that it may cost as much as sending it to NZ because they are actually sending it as far away as NZ? And then selling it? No no, I'm sure it'll be all good ; )
5th December 2008

Wow -the adventure has already started
You really don't need to wait until you start biking. It sounds to me as if you are already having a muy adventurous time! It certainly is much different to lil ole NZ. Sorry to hear about the postage - no fun - but an experience. Yeah - ah well - all experience is a plus - better than watching TV. Love you both. Enjoy and take care. X X X

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