Oz & White Water Rafting

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November 26th 2008
Published: November 26th 2008
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So we made it to Oz.

We lest Sinagpore at 22:00 and had a 4 hour flight to Darwin (1.5+ hours ahead of Singapore) = 04:00

A 1 hour wait in Darwin we then boarded the plane to Cairns - another 3 hour journey and 0.5 hours ahead!

Yesterday we chilled and had a walk around the town - I know what people mean when they say its like stepping back in time! Its a bit like a time warp. Not much to do in Cairns Centre.

We got 6 hours sleep last night from 12 till 06:00 and then we got up and did the Raging Thunder White Water Rafting down the Tully river. I was very very scared - rapids of 3-4!!!!

Dad - you would have loved it - so much fun!

I made it though if a little bruised and stiff and burnt on the knees - so I hope your proud of me!

Chris embraced the experience - being the experienced rafter that he is - but i'm sure you'd love to know that yes Chris fell out and I stayed in!

Tommorrow our plans are to head north to Port Douglas and Capre Tribulation!

Other good facts so far - the bat are the size of eagles flying around - I saw one very large spider in the toilet - near the rafting in the 'outback!' and whilst having dineer tonight I witnessed a guy being arrested - 'drugs bust'

Hope your well? thanks for the messages!

Love Astrid & Chris xxx


27th November 2008

White Water
You're right Asti, I would have loved it and yes I am incredibly proud of you. So you stayed in the boat eh, shame about Chris, I hope he didn't hurt anything more than his pride. Keep enjoying the adventure and stay safe. Love always Dad and Mum xxx
27th November 2008

Do i detect a hint of sarcasm???
Hello travellers!!!! The rafting sounds amazing and despite the bruises I am sure it will be a memory you will never forget! I have just seen Mikes pics on facebook and it looks like your having so much fun! LOVING THE RAMBO MOMENT BY THE BOYS!!!!! I think Phil Davie and Ben Broadhead are in Oz, would be wierd if you bumped into them! Not much to report here, just trotting on as usual. Jade and I went for a random car drive and were singing very loudly ( and out of tune...jade only of course) to Aerosmith...... WALK THIS WAY! We had a moment and both agreed that it would have been fun if you were with us! Then we saw a "Bertie" wannabe and followed it for a mile or two thinking it was you..............Unfortunately our dreams were shattered when we saw a 92 year old man with a flat cap, and a face like tha grand canyon! Anyway, thats about it.......keep living the dream for all of us stuck in the tropics of Manchester! TA RA CHUCKS X X X X X X X X XX
27th November 2008

Spider in the toilet
Suffering from Spiders in the toilet. Funnel web, Red Back and White tailed spiders are the ones to be concerned about. Others are just scary. All 3 are venomous but if you are bitten the advice is to seek treatment immediately. Spider bites are rare however the advice from the Ausmus.gov website is take sensible precautions, e.g. avoid walking outside bare foot especially at night, check clothing and shoes when you put them on. Spiders only attack when they feel threatened. So go for the clean kill on second thoughts tell Chris to go for the clean kill and you should step away from the spider.

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