Arrival in NZ

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January 7th 2006
Published: January 25th 2006
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Arrival into AucklandArrival into AucklandArrival into Auckland

View from the air
Hello! I have decided to keep a weekly travel journal on this trip so you can read what I have been up to. Hope you enjoy reading it (but feel free to ignore it completely if you can't be bothered!)

I have arrived in New Zealand after the longest flight in the world. It was well over 30 hours via Los Angeles and then via Hawaii after we left Los Angeles to deliver a passenger there who had a severe medical condition which needed attention halfway to New Zealand. Poor Jessie had waited five hours for me at the airport. I'm now in Auckland which was beautifully sunny today and I did the coast to coast walk with Jessie following such a badly signposted path that we were amazed to emerge at the end successfully. It was not due to my superior pathfinding skills in any way shape or form.

Yesterday was spent trying to keep awake until the evening to conquer jetlag and we walked by the waterfront. Saw a HUGE boat, the most amazing private yacht I ever come across with at least three other boats on board and hot tub, fantastic seating arrangement and bar on
Roman's boat...Roman's boat...Roman's boat...

has three other boats on it!
the back. Turns out it belongs to Russian oil magnate and Chelsea football club owner Roman Abramovich.

I haven't spent any time in Auckland before and find it to be a fairly pleasant city with a very cosmopolitan atmosphere and loads of Japanese and Korean signposts and adverts so I feel right at home. We climbed to the top of Mount Eden and I was amazed to see that the sea appears to go right around the city through little coves and inlets. Auckland is also very green and there are even sheep grazing fairly near the city centre!


7th January 2006

Hi Rachel, you surprised me, actually thought you were going home in january.... But no, the travelling plans set through, great! Have a wonderful time and enjoy it! x Kath
7th January 2006

Did you really fly to New Zealand via LA and Hawaii?
11th January 2006

Thinking of you there in the southern heimsphere sun, whilst I sit huddled over my computer in the chill, losing the feeling in my fingers, workmen next door causing tremors of significant value on the Richter scale... Hope you're having a fab time! Lots of love El xx

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