Bangkok crazyness with no luggage

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November 5th 2008
Published: November 5th 2008
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Where to start?.... After an emotional fairwell with our respective families we embarked on the start of our 6 month adventure. Well, after an hour delay caused by baggage problems (which would later come back to haunt us!) While checking the onboard flight progress checker tracker thingey I joked to Hannah that the plane was going the wrong way about an hour outside of Bangkok. The computer thingey was indeed correct as within seconds of saying this the pilot came over the tannoy to inform us that due a big thunderstorm over Bangkok we had been diverted to North Thailand to Chiang Mai airport. After an hour on the ground at Chiang Mai we again ascended above the clouds to see our first Thai sunset (it was worth the diversion just for that!) After 15 hours inside the plane we eventually left to enter the crazyness that is Bangkok airport.

While queueing for immigration we met an Irish guy called Kieron. We met again at the luggage carosel and started chatting, after about 15 minutes we noticed that the carosel was being emptied and and our luggage was not there. After speaking to the friendly airport staff they told us (with the normal Thai smile) that our luggage was not on the plane! In a bit of a tired mess we decided to share a taxi with Kieron to the hotel he had booked as it seemed to be very nice, if a little expensive.

We jumped into a taxi which took us 40 minutes to the wrong hotel!!! After about half an hour of probably walking in circles we eventually found the hotel and dropped off our bags, well our hand luggage at least. Pad Thai, Singha beer and a couple of Thai buckets later we went and collapsed at the hotel.

Bags should be arriving tonight (fingers crossed!). Tomorrow we're going to see the Bangkok sights then get out of the crazyness (and expensivness!) to Koh Chang.

Love and Hugs,

Bear and Mouse


5th November 2008

never a dull moment eh? glad you got there safely though, lots and lots of love. xxx
5th November 2008

That's so unlucky man! Hope you get your luggage ok. Oh and taxi drivers don't like you lol. Keep us updated on the adventure! Take care :o) x
8th November 2008

News travels fast!!!
Ha ha ha!! This was the talk of The Ram last night....! Hope you are reacquainted (?) with your luggage and love love loving it out there..! Stay safe kids, loves ya! X
8th November 2008

News travels fast!!!
Man I just typed a big old mesage then it got lost, so this is attempt 2. I hope you appreciate the effort! I was in the Ram last night (pre date by the way, but thats another story... ;o)...) and this story was the talk of the bar. We were all crowded round the masterful story teller, who you will know as Adam, as he retold this story. To be honest Adam told it better than you did! Hope you are now re-acquainted, and settled into the hard life that is having fun!!! Keep us posted on your escapades, but remember, stay safe kids..! Loves ya..! X
14th November 2008

Cheers guys! In Koh Tao at the mo as we both felt we needed some sun before heading North... brilliant recommendation Lynsey (and Chadders if she's around anywhere)! We hired an ATV today and I LOVED it!! Barneys letting me do all the bumpy bits of road because I'm smaller and can steer it easier... it's wicked... feel like Lara Croft but with smaller boobs!
16th November 2008

My luggage was lost too
Hey guys, its really cool that your doing a travel blog, I wish I had kept a diary of my time in Thailand as so many crazy things happened out there. I had the same problem with the luggage lol my suitcase was in Bahrain but luckily got it later that evening. Did you go to the Tiger Temple after? x

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