Kenya is so rangi ya majani (green)

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Africa » Kenya » Central Province » Mt. Kenya
October 31st 2008
Published: October 31st 2008
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Today we were feeling even more sleep deprived since both of us woke up around 3:00 am....but we managed to put in a good day's work....hopefully the jet lag wears off soon!

When I got up around 6:00 there were many birds singing, and cool fresh air coming in the windows. A bright yellow bird sat on the clothes line as I made coffee.

Everything is so green and lush here. On the path between the lower and upper school, there are banana trees, and huge arching trees over the road...weaver bird nests and herons! The heron squawk here too, but with a Kenyan accent.

Vicki worked in the old library most of the day (the new one is almost ready, but there is no computer hook up yet). I helped a bit, putting bar codes on boks and stamping with them the school name. She is doing hard of entering them into the system here.

I baked some bread, and then went to the lower school for part of the afternoon. I read to a class in the library there and answered questions from another. The best one was 'How is it to be white here?'. I told them that since I can't see myself the way they do, it doesn't seem very strange.

Most of the younger ones are day students, but most are boarders by middle school age.

Tomorrow we will go into Nyeri, and Monday I leave on safari for three days!

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Reading to the kidsReading to the kids
Reading to the kids

They are very attentive!

1st November 2008

Hi Lynn, I can't believe you're in Nyeri. My family lived there for a year, when I was in the 6th Standard (Grade). Are you at the public boarding school just outside of town? Are there any archival photos there? My Teacher was Mr McCarten(sic) and the principal was Mr. Langley, I believe. During certain times of the year we called Nyeri, "Dreary Nyeri" because of the weather. Have you been to the Outland Hotel? We used to go there for movies sometimes on the weekend. I'm so glad you've gotten some clear views of Mt. Kenya. It only happens at certain times of the year, or at least it used to be that way. We all miss you very much. Pray for Summit. Love and peace, Paul
1st November 2008

fun to see the library
Hi Lynn, What fun to see the pictures of you and Vicki. Your apartment building looks very substantial. You are pitching right in as I know you would do. This is a great adventure for you at the beginning of retirement. We just returned from Bhutan, which we found most interesting. The comforts kind of fell away bit by bit. We got used to showering in a bucket with a faucet and measuring cup. I loved being in a Buddhist country where the spirit of the religion pervades everyone, even the animals! Anyway, I look forward to hearing more about your African adventures. Love, Jill
2nd November 2008

Vicki from Ardmore?
Hi Lynn, Is your friend Vicki the (former) librarian at Ardmore? Thanks for sending your blog. Your travels areinteresting! I don't know if you remember the Doyles, but they just got back from a month in South Africa. Anne

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