Alice Springs

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October 25th 2008
Published: October 25th 2008
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Just got back from an Outback Barbeque and boy was it good!

After our lunch break this afternoon we drove out to the old Telegraph Station. Alice Springs was a repeater station for the telegraph from Adelaide to Darwin back in colonial days. The Telegraph master was big man on campus apparently. We saw 3 kangaroos just hanging around the buildings of the station. Next we drove to the Anzac Memorial (Austrialian/New Zealand Army Corps) which is on a hill with great views of the city. Finally, we drove out to the the museum of the Royal Flying Doctor Service. The Flying Doctors are, as the name implies, a medical corp that cover most of the inland of Australia via plane. They handle emergencies, rescues, interhospital transfers and go out the clinics on aborignal lands and also have med kits in the mining and cattle areas. It was very interesting to learn about them. They started out with WWI era planes. The flight nurses have to have 5 years experience and be midwives. They show a 10 minute video and then show the room where the radio is monitored. Alice Springs' radio is only monitored Monday through Friday, on weekends the radio calls go to Mount Augustus and then they decide if they need to fly out of here.

Reached our hotel around 3 pm, then back on the road at 5:30 for the Outback Bush Barbeque. It's a really nice set up. First one of the men (Danny) did a boomerang demonstration. Apparently there are even left handed boomerangs. Next we had a drink and sat around the campfire and he talked about the history of the cattle stations of Australia, and made "Outback Bread." Then another gentleman (Don) talked about the Aborginal family structure. Dinner was steak made right on the barbeque there (H had a veggie burger), baked potato and salad. Then we had the bread that Danny had made. It was quite good, especially with the maple syrup equivalent they put on it. After dinner entertainment was provided by a third man, who sang Outback ballads (if I never hear Waltzing Matilda again after this trip, I won't be upset) and did a bit of a sing-along. After that, Don gave a brief astronomy lesson. Living in NY, I forget how beautiful the night sky can be outside of the cities. We had a nice clear night and we could see Venus and Jupiter as well as a lot of stars. No Southern Cross though, it won't rise until 4 in the morning. Now we're back at the hotel. Tomorrow we do a Dream time tour and then head to Adelaide.

Hey, can someone who's been following the World Series send me an e-mail with the scores of Games 1 and 2 and if it's already been played, Game 3? Thanks.

Oh, and please post comments, I need the ego stroking knowledge that people are reading this!

Night all!


25th October 2008

Happy Saturday
Luck you...traveling and here I'm working. I travelling trough you...thanks! Are posting pictures? I haven't seeing any, I just read your blog. Well, Red sox is not in the World Series meaning that I really don't care about it but I'll update you. :) Game 1- PHI 3 TB 2 Game 2- PHI 2 TB 4 The 3rd game is tonight, if rains it will be posponed until Sunday. Have fun!!!
25th October 2008

Hey! I just emailed you the World Series Scores... Just in Case someone else hadn't.
26th October 2008

Hi there!
Thank you for the wonderful updates on your trip. I am so glad you both are getting to do and see so much. The baby is beautiful and we all are very happy! Keep the blogs coming!

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