A thousand goodbyes

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October 18th 2008
Published: October 18th 2008
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They won't be missedThey won't be missedThey won't be missed

much! Couldn't ask for better peers, even though they were sore losers from time to time. Remember, life is not a dress rehearsal.........
have been taxing on the soul. Seeing friends and colleagues for the last time has been harder than was imagined. We had made Bristol and all the people that come with living here more integral to our lives than we'd realised, and this week we paid the price. We arrived home Friday night emotionally exhausted from our separate work farewells, barely able to hold a conversation in front of the TV. Bec conceded to a few tears, I denied any (some will know this was a bit of a fib!) we shared the stories attached to the parting gifts we received (an Everton strip and union jack socks amongst them) and it was lights out.
We'll both remember many of you fondly and hope that some of you find the time and inclination to keep in touch, albeit the next 6 months is going to be a bit limited what with our portability issues!
Take care all you Anglaise
Much love

Ps - note new maps on front of blog - the travel map to be updated now I have worked out how to publish it......

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When the going gets toughWhen the going gets tough
When the going gets tough

you'd be well lucky to have these guys by your side. Thanks for the memories - 413 of them to be sure!

20th October 2008

3 witches indeed! - what does that make you?
Answers on a post card or blog - card, I am so impressed that I am doing this me being a virgin at this sort of thing...... Wierd leaving do, but one to remember, will miss the insults but will get you back when we descend/visit you en famile in Oz!
23rd October 2008

That would make me
very impressed that you have found your way to this site - or is it Emma pretending to be you Toni? My celebratory departure reached a high when, after four years of trying, I managed to get 5 lady colleagues back to my room - shame it was the one time I was sharing with Rob S!! Seeing you in Aus one day would be a pleasure. Take care

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