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September 28th 2008
Published: September 28th 2008
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back in my favorite coffee shop after a weekend away

caroline, becca, leigh, sarah, tenzin and i headed out of dharamsala early friday morning, got in a taxi and took a beautiful 2 hour drive to the tibetan resettlement community of bir (pronounced with a rolled r). it was a really nice drive, other than some of us getting sick. i was really happy to get the chance to see some more of india, to see some more mountains, trees, open fields, animals; that is what i needed.
bir as a place is small and quiet. people don't do much there other than leave to sell sweaters in the winter and come back to hang out the rest of the year. there is a noodle factory that supports the government offices. there is a trash problem. there are beautiful monasteries. we met with a tibetan doctor who felt our pulses and knew everything about us. we pretty much ate at one restaurant for every meal.
i laughed more these past three days than i have since i've arrived in india.

now we're back in dharamsala and have more than a full week ahead. a paper due on wednesday, a group presentation two days later, and two tests on sunday. plus regular language quizzes and homework everyday and reading for all of our lectures. this is our last week with our families. on october 6 (holyshititsalmostoctober) we're leaving, taking a train to delhi and staying there for a day. then we'll fly to nepal and go to kathmandu for a whole bunch of new, unforeseen adventures.

wish there was more to say but mosquitos are starting to bite me and my teas pretty much done so it's looking like it's time to head back to the family.

sending love and warm thoughts,

Additional photos below
Photos: 26, Displayed: 23


thankga paintingsthankga paintings
thankga paintings

will eventually decorate a monastery

part of a high lama's remains are kept in there
people don't listenpeople don't listen
people don't listen

or have a place to dispose of their trash

30th September 2008

hola helen
Just living vicariously through you these days. What beautiful pictures and counrtryside. I have had a good day. I had some clients this morning and have one more facial to do this evening. Had to stop by the library again to pay for a book I lost. It wasn't as expensive as expected. The weather has been super nice today and it is really sunny outside. I have been sending you blessings and good wishes when I do my meditation practice. I slacked off for a few days, but sat this morning, which was nice. Actually, Huckleberry hung out on my lap (vying for attention) while I sat. I started to get annoyed, but then realized I should just go with it. thanks for keeping all of us posted about your journey. You are awesome. xoxo Peter

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