Is that my....Palmer?

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September 12th 2008
Published: September 14th 2008
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Although this dog tried to bite me when I tried to pet him...the resemblance was crazy!
Well, I've returned from the silence. The sitting. The meditation. And the feeling is quite overwhelming.

For any of you who don't know what I just put my self through, I will fill you in quickly. I applied to take a 10 day Silent Meditation in the Vipassana technique. Vipassana means to "see things as they really are" and was the meditation practice of Gotama the Buddha. It basically involves sitting in the same position for over an hour, observing your breath and trying to accept the fact that the intense knee and back pain is "impermanent" and will pass, much like this life that we live. You are also supposed to observe all of the other sensations on your body, like the itches and the tingling and the legs falling asleep without reaction to them. The idea is to get rid of craving and aversion in your life. If you don't crave for a sensation or for relief from a sensation, you will eventually be able to rid your life of misery and suffering. Hmm....

So, my course involved waking up at 4 am and meditating until 6:30 am, when we were given a breakfast break, then
Bodnath StupaBodnath StupaBodnath Stupa

This has to be one of the most peaceful places I've ever experienced
meditation from 9 to 11 am, then lunch. Meditate from 1 to 5pm, tea break and the meditation and discourse from 6 to 9 pm. 9:30 was lights out. So 10 1/2 hours of meditation a day, for ten days while not being able to speak or make eye contact or gestures to anyone, no reading, no writing, no yoga, no running, no exercise.

Did I say no talking?

Well...I survived. And I learned an amazing amount about myself and my life. Just to point out the highlights: I LOVE my life. I LOVE my friends and family, my animals. I'm not looking for enlightenment this time around. I think that Buddhism focuses way too much on misery and suffering (I just don't think life is that bad...ya know?). And I learned how to deal better with any negative emotions (ie. anger, sadness, jealousy, pms...) that erupt within me. And also, it's your choice to hate and by making the choice to hate something or someone you are only creating negativity within yourself. Man, it's like ten years of life experience in 10 days.

Would I recommend it? I'm not sure. It was probably the toughest thing I've ever had to go through but the benefits I reaped at the end were priceless. If you can go into it and maintain an objective view throughout the experience...give it a shot. for any info....

Oh, and they didn't make the last bus wait for us so we had to walk back down the valley. Which wasn't the greatest but we did see a Palmer-lookalike. What do you think George? Deb?

In other news...I'm finally about to leave Kathmandu. After spending a day at the largest buddhist stupa in the world and doing some shopping in Thamel, I'm ready for the laidback lifestyle of Pokhara. The city here is super cool for a few days but gets old. For example, on our way to the Stupa we came across a dead man lying in the street - the victim of a bicycle-motorcycle crash. It was quite disturbing to watch the bystanders pick him up and lay him on the nearby sidewalk...the traumas of the city.

So, on that note, at 7 am tomorrow morning I'm on my way to Pokhara. I'm sure that a very exciting busride will ensue...

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Buddha EyesBuddha Eyes
Buddha Eyes

I think the emotions in these are endless...
New 'DoNew 'Do
New 'Do

Thanks to Genn - a much needed cut
Travel FriendsTravel Friends
Travel Friends

Genn and Pieter
Goodbye Kathmandu!Goodbye Kathmandu!
Goodbye Kathmandu!

The view from a rooftop cafe we frequented...

21st September 2008

Sounds Fun
I have always wanted to do a meditation course. I don't know if I could do a whole 10 days though.
4th October 2008

hong kong was tight. I was only there for like 12 hours but I went to Lamma Island and that huge mall so I def. experienced it a little bit. the meditation course was intense. very difficult but extremely beneficial. I think you can do 3 day courses? I'm posting another blog in the next day or two about my trek so watch out. It was incredible.

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