Glacier? That's not a glacier! This is a Glacier ...

Published: December 18th 2005
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Moreno GlacierMoreno GlacierMoreno Glacier

Now that's a Glacier.
Now I'm not one to be easily impressed, and after three or four of months contsant travel you can become a bit jaded by what you see, so when I say that I Moreno Glacier was one ice cube that was worth travelling half-way round the world to see, you can take that as being an exclamation of admiratrion of the highest degree.

Seriously, we've seen quite a few glaciers on this trip, and I've been heli-hiking on the fox glacier in New Zealand, but compared to Moreno Glacier all the others put together were the equivalent of an ice cube in Antartica.

This thing looked like it was designed as a backdrop to some scene in the Lord of the Rings, and to be standing on a boat 200 meters from the face of it and see huge chunks just come carving off the 60m face and crash into the lake with the accompanying waves crashing into the boat was just fantastic.

All the time we were there you could hear the ice cracking like gun shots, and ominous growling sounds as huge chunks grated against each other. Basically it was just really cool, and we had a great afternoon.

The hostel (America Del Sur) on the other hand should have a sign on it something like "you won't get cold, because we keep all rooms heated to forty degrees at night, you won't need a torch, because we point all the floodlights at the bedroom windows so things are nicely lit up all night, and it's a great place to drink beer because we don't sell water, the taps only work half the time, and you'll only drink it if you like muddy water¨.

I loved that place so much I think I did my second dance in as many days as we walked out the door for the last time. This time it was a celebratory dance.

Time to head for Ushuaia ...

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Dog of the DayDog of the Day
Dog of the Day

... almost forgot. Actually El Calafate was a bit scary in that all the dogs (and there were lots of them) seemed to be following me, not Christie ... maybe I need to wash my clothes more often?

19th December 2005

Always listen to mummy!
Told ya so!

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