Another Day In The Life...

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July 28th 2008
Published: July 28th 2008
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My Room!My Room!My Room!

View of my desk and big,spacious windows (that are closed because it's nighttime and it's cold!)
Today was entirely eventful but freezing cold and rainy! I wish I had packed my ugg boots and more sweaters!! I woke up this morning at 6:30am wanting to DIE because I was so cold. Having no heat when it gets down into the 40s is terrible!! When I woke up at 6:30am, I took all the heavy coats and/or sweaters I had and put them on top of me so I could sleep for another 3 hours.

Walked out of my house this morning and I always see all the neighbor guys sitting in their dining room, which is at the front of the apartment and surrounded by windows, and since they were all staring at me since I'm one of the few new girls on the block, I waved. I figured I would eventually go over and introduce myself since my roommates like to keep to themselves. Anyways, I met up with 2 guy friends I recently met and walked through campus (which is about a 10 or 15 minute walk from my place) and then on to the shopping center, which is about a 5 or 10 minute walk from campus - so not bad at all!
My Room!My Room!My Room!

View of my desk and bed.
I am in LOVE with the malls here, they are absolutely amazing! So incredibly nice and filled with every store/restaurant you could ever want!! I bought stuff for my room and some groceries... all very pricey, of course. They have a store called Big W, which is basically like a Walmart, but not as good of prices. Walking through the grocery store is also a little tricky, everything looks so different and I'm not sure what's good and what's not yet.

After cleaning my room and getting everything set up for the afternoon, my roommate Mayumi (from Japan) knocked on my door and asked if I wanted to come with her to the student rec center. She goes 2 times a week for a kumdo class, which she said is a martial arts class similar to tae kwon do. So I got to get in free since it was my first time, and it was SO nice. The rec center was just built last year and they have 2 olympic size pools (one inside and one out), a swimsuit shop, cafe, tons of different courts, and a huge room with treadmills, bikes, etc, all of which are new and
My Room!My Room!My Room!

modern. So I worked out for about 30 minutes until I realized there was a sign that said I needed to have a towel with me so I could wipe down the equipment, so I just sort of snuck out, haha.

(Currently, it's almost 3am and it's STILL pouring. It has been pouring since about 4 this afternoon!)

Anyways, I later made some dinner while Mayumi was in the kitchen and we talked a little bit about each others family and I found out she has a boyfriend and a brother going to school in Sydney. She is really sweet, just a little quiet. So, while I was trying to make some toast with my dinner, I couldn't get my jelly jar open, so I figured it would be a good opportunity to introduce myself to my neighbors. There are 3 guys and 2 girls living there, all of whom have lived here for atleast 6 months. The two girls are Australian and so friendly, ages 24 and 20. The three guys are Matt from Canada, 24, Max from Ecuador, 21, and Chris from Germany/Hong Kong, who is 19. They later came and knocked on my door and
My Room!My Room!My Room!

asked me to play pool with them, which turned into a nightlong adventure of wine, kangaroo, and some cultural lessons on proper terminology. I learned that to kiss or make out with someone is called pashing. So if you pashed someone at a party last night, you made out with them. Also, you don't root for a team, you cheer for a team, because if you are rooting for a team, that means you are sleeping with the entire team.

So I just came back from the neighbors place with a heater and a blanket that they let me borrow, so I'm currently in love with all of them because they basically saved me from another miserable night. They also all love to play tennis and invited me to play with them - apparently Lleyton Hewitt plays tennis at Macquarie sometimes, so that would be cool to see (he's a pro Aussie player)!

Time for bed, but here are some pictures of my room - still under some decorating construction, but coming together slowly! Thursday I have orientation to pick out my schedule, or timetable, as they say, and then I start school on Monday and couldn't be
My Room!My Room!My Room!

Closet (and I swear my room looks much bigger than these pics, I almost feel like I should buy a couch!).
more excited!! Cheers!!


30th July 2008

nice room
Glad you have heater and blanket. Now maybe you could return the coat!! love you, mom
31st July 2008

If only the rooms in England were that big!

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