What not to do on Fraser island

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December 6th 2005
Published: December 7th 2005
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Team c for chillinTeam c for chillinTeam c for chillin

Lake Mckenzie
Well sorry guys its been a while but over the past week ive spent most of it driving 4x4s over sand dunes/ canoeing in the everglades and discovering secluded beaches- they just dont have the internet facilities at these places!

Well where did i leave you ?

Hervey bay i think after the cattle ranch? From there we checked into Koala backpackers, where we have free accommodation for the fraser island trip. We met at 5 in the afternoon and got put into our groups. Two girls from ireland - Nikki and Shauna who we met on the oz bus/ two girls from Germany/ two guys from france who were as laid back as it gets!/ a couple from England and us 2. We started with a video of what not to do, like feed the dingos/ go onto the west side of the island/ drive in sea water/ not to go too fast on the island - the usual procedures. We then had a quiz between the 5 groups about the video. Due to us being the loudest group by a long way we managed to win beer jugs for the whole team - a good start!
Team c for cool!Team c for cool!Team c for cool!

working out route

After a labourious shopping trip involving all ten of us we had food and drink sorted for the whole group. 5am the next morning all was packed in the vehicle and after some final checks we were on the ferry!

We arrived on Fraser and set off into the dirt tracks of the island. The dirt tracks arent really tracks after a while, more of a lack of bush, and the journey is a bumpy one ++++++.
After an hour of driving we arrived at Lake Mckenzie - the most amazing lake ive ever seen. The sand was so white you even had to squint with sunglasses. a well deserved swim followed with a serious game of american waterball between all the groups (mixture of american football and waterpolo). After that we set off to try and find lake Wabby, another freshwater lake thats been slowly engulfed by a sandune. As far as i can tell its already been engulfed because despite its size we never found it. Instead we got stuck in a big heap of sand in the middle of nowhere.

Despite numerous attempts to dig ourselves out to no avail something clicked - why when

one of many
we were pushing was only two wheel spinning hmmmmmmmmmmm. Ok so we were only in two wheel drive maybe thats why we're stuck!

We then broke through the bushes to reveal a huge beach that stretched out as far as the eye could see - i could only liken it too ninety mile beach in NZ, with a sandy haze rising up into the distance.

The water looked pristine and very inviting , however only a month ago a bulky 6m tiger shark had been spotted from the beach at waist deep height - nah thanx ill stick to the lakes!

Time was running short and we only had 2 hours to make our way to the top of the beach to a place called indian head, a designated camping spot. We shot off and got three quaters of the way, only to find the tide was coming in too far. On failing to search for a camping spot i was then volunteered to drive the last 1/4! This was a bit scarey as the sea was coming in to the right of us quite fast and there was a high rised sand bunk to the left.
back wheels stuckback wheels stuckback wheels stuck

two wheel drive!!!
Although wed be alriight i had visions of the $100,000 4X4 been washed away for ever- pricey for us. The vehicle was for once incredibly silent as everyone looked out to the right and the 4x4 slid from side to side like a rollercoaster. Just when i thought it was looking really grim a private 4x4 shot passed and i managed to flag him down and ask if we had time to get to our destination, he said 'sure mate put y foot down and follow me!' 15 mins of !@$** later we got to indian head - a relief for all. The local chap that helped us said if we wanted an awesome spot to camp for the night then to follow him but to do so the vehicle must be in low 4X4 and then second gear- afetr that we had to NAIL ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And so we did- it sounded as if the vehicle was about to explode but up and up we went over bumps / through bushes/ around trees/ up and down near vertical dunes. This seemed to last forever and i cant remember blinking once while driving - an awesome experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we finally arrived
arrived at destinationarrived at destinationarrived at destination

get the beers out!
on another beach which was even more spectacular then the first. hmmmmmm ORCHID BEACH i think this is on the west side?

We camped near the sea with a great lake near by and even toilets to hand, noone around - an essential for the girls apparently.
Anthony from England was our designated cook and not to mention a great driver. We beer n bbq and danced the night away to a fantastic sunset and star lit night with storys of narrow misses and nailing it! Enquisitive dingos circled are camp most of the night with people going to the toilet in twos- apparently a guy got bitten on the bum on one expedition!

The next morning was a bit rough but we had till 10.30 before we could drive on the beach again. We head back on to the east coast visiting champagne pools and indian head. Then south to see the Maheno ship wreck which was beached many years ago.

That evening we met up with the other groups - two of which had broken down on day one and had to be toed back.

Fraser island was a great experience and id have to put it up there with the yongala, its another absolute must - the driving is just amazing and the people are great as long as you get a good group and i was certainly lucky in this case.

Anyone from Koalas whos reading this - none of it was true we were all very good and abided by all laws of the island

From Hervey bay we moved onto Noosa to prepare for another 3 day 2 night canoeing/ camping trip to the everglades and another sand island.

Well we set off again after a mad evening in Noosa with a couple of Swiss girls and two Irish lasses from we met on Fraser island.

In the morning we caught a boat to another sand island just off Noosa head. From here we canoed approx 12 k to our camping spot - Giles being the gentlemen that he is suggested we share canoes with two other girls so its easier for them- i was up for just getting one ourselves and steaming up there (sorry guys if you thought iwas also a gentlemen too !)

We got to our destination pretty tired out and had a swim in the upper noosa river - cool!
That evening we had dinner made for us and pretty much passed out in bed! (well in sandy mat anyway). (suze - plse dont read next sentance)

on route to the toilets i heard a thud and on inspecting this, discovered a huge possum been eaten by a python - wow!

The next day was to be but a testing one - 5 am -another 12 k canoe then 12k bush walk to the top of an enourmous sandune, then in the baking heat a 4 k trek over the baking sandune and then dense rainforrest to a beach- better be flipping well worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The everglades were still/ serene, with large black cockatoos, pelicans and shags sweeping up and down the river for food. Either side of us was huge expanses of rainforrest and crickets chirping a very deafening monotonous tune.

The walk for some bizzare reason i did without shoes as i was told it was possible - no dont do this its a bad idea!

Only 4 of us out of a group of 22 made it too the beach- it was hot hot hot! To get too the beach theres no path just dense rainforrest - you need a knife to hack your way through! The beach was amazing - huge waves - a good experience to get used too for surfing in the future.

On returning to camp it was evident that the bag/tub that was used for supporting the cameras was wet and since it pains me too say that my camera is now not working! Giles at present is working on it as he used to refurbish them so fingers x.

The next day we canoed back to the pick up point, on the way a large snake with a red back crossed our path- we had been told before we set off that these are the most poisonous snakes in the world ?called a taipan - will check that - not interested in us though as it went on its way.

So now im back in Noosa and heading off to brisbane to meet up with some freinds of mine from Cairns and then we all travel to Surfers Paradise in the evening.

ps have made contact with the girls who have my Yongala photos !!!!!!!!

Ps thanks to Elle / suze and all who are following the blogs - hope all is well - Thanks for blogs also Rob but cant publish them for obvious reasons!
Take care all


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Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


8th December 2005

dave looks like your having a great time without having to follow 6-7 hour drives all over the place. Wish I was there, tell the girls in the group I think there fit!!!!!, you have to get into one of them. Keep up this wicked journel. Rob PS great pictures.
8th December 2005

hope your taking loads of pics carnt wait to see the ones you carnt put on the blogg ha ha loveand stuff ray
8th December 2005

Things that go bump in the loo.
Regarding the thud you heard on the way to the loo. You say it was a possum. Whats that. I can only hope for the snakes sake that its an animal. x
9th December 2005

a possum is like a really big mouse?! that eats the bark off trees!- They are protected in oz and in NZ you recieve a reward through the post if you kill 6 or more in 1 month
10th December 2005

all because a lady loves...
thanks for the warning about the sentence in your blog- however, the one in your comments box needed the real warning! python's eating possums is nature, but getting a reward for killing 6 in a month is gross. ps. have you not delivered the milk tray yet because i think you're running out of transport and terrain that you haven't tried! x

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