'Work' Begins...

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July 10th 2008
Published: July 10th 2008
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My first day at Rave magazine was interesting, it is way more laid back than any job or internship I have ever done before, as people come and leave when they want and take however long they want for lunch and balcony breaks... but the finished product is very professional, so I guess if the work/writing/editing gets done on time this is an effective way of working! I could definitely get used to it that is for sure.

Here is me in my amazing camis (i think its called that) at Rave! I am meant to wear these strangely tight bottoms that came with it but they make me feel a bit emo. Ha. Im not actually that fat, it was a low angle... :P

I have mainly been writing up news stories in the pop and electronic world, writing pieces on new pop and electro artists to look out for (promoting my favourites!) and writing reviews of films, music dvds and new albums. Today though I will get the chance to interview an up and coming famous Bollywood music producer!

Later next week I will also have to dress up in Bollywood clothes for their Bollywood special issue... another embarassing photoshoot for me yay! (Not as bad as aerobics though.) Quite looking forward to dressing up really.

I have bought that blue and white Indian outfit for everyday wear that I feel more comfortable in when I am walking down the streets, but at Rave everyone wears quite western clothes anyway. I think I might buy a gold one too... but am trying to save money! Everything is so beautiful though it is hard. I feel like I have used the word beautiful so many times in this blog... but its for a reason!

Yesterday lunchtime I went with a local intern to his Aunt's house down the road, she seemed really well off she had a beautiful cool flat where you couldnt hear the relentless beeping, and she cooked us an amazing meal, but typical lucky for me, they are literally the only non vegetarian Indians in the city! So I had to pick all the meat out. But it was still nice to chill out with local people who are all so welcoming and friendly. She has a maid who helps her do everything, I have noticed may houses do. There seems to be jobs for everyone - there is even a boy who presses the button in the lift at work!

Thats where I went to get my clothes altered to fit me properly. For a pound! Twas a little room above the material shop where a family were cutting up colours and lovely materials.

Tuesday night I saw one of the volunteers perfom at a hiphop club, it was so weird being at a swish night club where the girls were wearing normal clothes, but I actually felt like they were too revealing! I am turning into a prude! It was nice to dance with the other volunteers, and watch the local men having dance offs and doing dance routines with their mates which really tickled me. Thats whats happens if there isnt many girls in clubs it would seem, boys have to entertain themselves in other ways! There was actually some very good electro and techno being played, it felt nice to be at an underground club in the centre of a City where dancing is banned. Yep - dancing is illegal here! But the club owners pay off the police so phew. I am not sure how well received our friend's rapping was, as he swore a lot and that is very frowned upon here.

After work on Wednesday me and a few others went to a beauty parlour and I got the most amazing herbal facial that smelled of strawberries and then roses! Was lush. The others got massages which sounded a bit painful!

Songs I have had stuck in my head:
Eels - Not ready yet
Alphabeat - Wuthering Heights (ha)
and a really annoying song from Family Guy which I watched before I left when the dad is dancing in a club and he hums the tune to an 80s song, and literally I cant sleep because of this song! (But I had first proper nights sleep last night so phew~!)

By the way - you can text me if you really miss me :D (hint... lonely cle...) It is the normal cost as if I were at home for both of us. Jus don't be offended if I dont text back as it is expensive for me to reply!

I have also added photos to the other blog entries, as I have worked out how yay!

Here is a holy cow! They saunter around with the freedom of humans, even the rickshaws and motorbikes go round them with no bother. They are beautiful.

Especially the baby cows. I have seen a few batches of puppies too! Although dont want to risk stroking them... we do have a house pet dog that was originally stray, I have seen many strays sleeping outside certain houses, it is weird how dogs like being pets and not being wild. Ours is lovely she goes all wiggly when yuo arrive and growls at gypsies who go past!

This is the front of the home I am staying in. You might be able to see some of the lovely individual villa type homes everyone in the suburbs have. This is apparently because the government made the land cheap so poverty might end a little and people could actually afford their own property by building their own amazing houses. Bangalore really does feel like a growing and evolving city.

I miss you all so much.



10th July 2008

Photos on previous two blog entries now!
Just worked out how to add pics to blogs now if you want to see the volunteers i am with every day and more of the streets of India.

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