i am in love! (dont worry Lammy...)

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Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore
July 7th 2008
Published: July 7th 2008
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It is only the second day but i really do feel like i am in love with India already.

There are so many beautiful differences to England, like men holding hands in the street is totally normal and so lovely! And the bright flowers and materials and smiling children, cows, dogs, chipmunks and friends cheer me up the second i get homesick. I now understand why most of the other project workers end up staying in Bangalore til way past their original finish date. (Dont worry i will ever forget you though mum/aslam and i have a ticket out booked :p)

Last night we just hung out at the other house as there is more of them staying there. One of the American guys is a skarryhappyfolky hiphop artist called Double B who is playing tomorrow night his first gig in India, which i will write a review of for Rave. I have heard rumours that alot of the writers are leaving the magazine over the few weeks so I am sure to have plenty of opportunity to write and get my stuff printed.

Today Asha the organiser took us all for a meal in a swish hotel after our induction, which was super yum. She says not to eat from street vendors but it looks so tasty! Then we went shoppping for Indian traditional clothes, but I could not make up my mind with all the amazing styles and patterns and colours that i decided to look again tomorrow.

Most of the other voluteers that are here from last month still said they have not gotten ill yet, there have been NO mozzies, and even though there are loads of dogs (in packs sometimes is funny like street gangs hehe) they do not bite you unless obviously you wind them up. So i feel way less scared, and have even started bartering for payment on the auto rickshaws and learning to say no to the extreme salesmen!

I cannot stop staring at people though, they are so interesting to watch, far more busy, happy and exciting to watch than English people! I must learn to shut my mouth when im doing it though... Indian people stare at us alot to though, as there is not many foreigners here, which is another reason to buy some Indian clothes.

The guy that has one week left at Rave is taking me to work tomorrow, but after he leaves i will be commuting alone (30mins, 80p each way) i but as i have been advised not to travel alone in dark, and it gets dark here at 6pm, i will have to leave work earlier. I will start work at like midday though! Easy life... :D

This weekend we hope to travel to some temples out in the coutryside, and we will travel overnight by train. I am looking forward to seeing the desert, more green, and getting away from the relentlss BEEPING!

My room is well nice, and the food we get everyday is so incrediby tasty, and we really get looked after here.

There doesnt seem to be a point on the computer here for me to upload photos to this blog entry (ahh i sound like a l33t computer g33k)but i will next time... they will probably be boring to you but i am learning to be snap happy so i dont forget a moment!

Anyway, i love it here and will definitely return to North India another time. I miss you all so much. I will give you my house phone number so you can call me when you want.

Cle! xxx


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