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July 7th 2008
Published: July 7th 2008
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Hotel Corona d'ItaliaHotel Corona d'ItaliaHotel Corona d'Italia

Our hotel for the first night
I’m officially in Florence! (Or as the Italians call it, Firenze) I’ve only been here for a day and a half, but it feels like a lot longer. I don’t know if it’s the time difference and the lack of sleep or maybe the fact that today was just jam-packed with so much stuff.

We started by moving into our student housing, which is really nice. The whole place is decked out in IKEA furniture, which I think is kind of funny. I’m sharing a suite with three other girls: Laura, Caitlyn, and Sam. The set up is really nice; nicer than what I had expected. We’re about 3 blocks from the Duomo, which is the main cathedral of Florence.

Today for lunch some of the girls went to this rooftop restaurant above a piazza. The view was amazing. We weren’t really sure what to order, but one of the girls knew more Italian than the rest of us, so she helped the rest of us order sandwiches. I paid 3 euros for a bottle of water! Buying bottled water is going to get old fast.

After lunch we had several orientations. They were long and I was really tired. We all were having trouble paying attention. Classes officially start tomorrow and from what our professor said we’re going to be doing A LOT of walking.

We also took a trip to the supermarket today. I was so unprepared. It was busy and crowded and everything was in Italian. I felt so overwhelmed. It took me a while to calm down and by the time I checked out, most of the people had gone back to the apartment. Luckily I remembered how to get back, but for the first time I was officially “on my own” in a foreign city. It was exciting and nerve-racking at the same time.

Tonight we’re just relaxing and enjoying our free time before tomorrow comes around. We’re scheduled to see Ponte Vecchio, Piazza Michelangelo and the San Miniato al Monte Church. I am so excited.




8th July 2008

Italian supermarkets
Glad you're enjoying your stay in Florence. Make sure you buy some bottled water while you're in the supermarket, it works out much cheaper. As for things being written in Italian, you are actually in Italy the same as if you were in France you would find things written in French. Why do you think things should be written in English? After Venice I find Florence one of the most expensive Italian cities, I visited last year and found most things, such as bars and restaurants, a complete ripoff and very tourist orientated. I live in Lazio near Rome where things are a fraction of the price. Hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday. Kind regards.

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