... and a half an hour more I shall talk!

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June 29th 2008
Published: June 28th 2008
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I got everyone's comments on my pictures... I didn't realize how pretty the pictures of the sunsets were until I just now looked at them. I took at least 50 pictures of both the sunset and the didgeridoo guy to make sure that I got a COUPLE decent looking pictures. 😊

We are headed into Kakadu National Park tomorrow morning (google it)... the bus leaves at 6:50am. We'll be there through Tuesday and then head back here for two days before flying to Alice Springs and then driving to Uluru. Lots of traveling but that's okay because apparently camels are supposed to be prevelent in the desert and they like to lay in the middle of the road at dusk, so in route to Uluru, we may see a camel or two! I'll have more updates on Kakadu National Park when I get back... more pictures too!!

There are some people going to an Australian Football League game (combination of football, soccer, volleyball and rugby -- picture that!) tonight but I'm not sure if I'm going to go or not. We went out to a club last night (no worries, Johnny!) and played babysitter to some of the girls who were drinking (I was not) and didn't get back until around 3:00am then had to turn around and get up for class at 8:00am. So we'll see... I've got all my bags packed and laundry in the washer (which I need to go put into the dryer!) but I am tired! I think the entire tourism group (at least 14 of us) went out last night and I DID NOT SPEND A PENNY! (Because they don't have pennies here... ha ha.) I really didn't spend anything though, they did card me though to get into the club (which you only have to be 18 to enter?!?).

We went to an Art Museum yesterday... which was entertaining, I guess. Lots of aboriginal art so it was an experience, I guess. The interpretation signs aren't the best though, so I didn't understand what a lot of it meant/was, but we did have a guide talk to us... so that explained a bit. We couldn't take pictures though, so you won't be seeing any of that. Sadly. There was a 15.7m crocodile (not alive) that they fished out of one of the lakes here in Darwin... that was probably the most entertaining part, sadly.

Well... I've rambled on enough already... I will update when I get back from Kakadu!! Hopefully no jumping crocodiles eat me! Haha. Later!


29th June 2008

100 foot croc
Over 100 foot croc is insane and cant see just running into something like that. Enjoy T
4th July 2008

Happy 4th of July
Hey Lib, We just wanted to let you know how much we are enjoying your blog-new career?????? Happy 4th. Hope you are doing something fun today (yesterday?) We're off to a picnic at A. Carol's--don't think uploading pix from the wilds of Dundalk would hold much interest--although pix of her cooking might!!!!! We'll check in soon. Love, A. Sher, U. Mike and Kate

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