Update from work

North America
June 20th 2008
Published: June 20th 2008
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Am writing this from work.. Such a model employee!

I got my haircut the other day and it was a disaster. I hate not having my regular hairdresser, I have to explain what I want and they never quite get it. Mum, tell Kelly I miss her! So I wanted to keep my hair the same length, but add some more layers in. I got layers, boy did I get layers! When she showed me how short they are (up to the top of my ears!!) I almost cried. Frick. I felt like one of those wog girls with the sticky-uppy short bits of hair. Before the hairdresser hacked at my hair though, she did tell me it was beautiful and really healthy. That’s good I suppose..
I’ve grown to like my hair now, as everyone told me I would.. it’s just always a shock when it’s not at all what you wanted. I got more blonde put through it too, and she kinda sorta got that right.

Last night Erin, Vanessa, Mary-Anne and I went and saw The Producers. It was really good, as I knew it would be. I had already seen it in Melbourne, and seen the movie. I probably won’t go see a stage show that I’ve seen before again, because I spent most of the time comparing it in my head, and couldn’t enjoy it as much. All in all the Melbourne show was better.. The theatre here was tiny, I thought the cast was better in the Aussie version, and they cut out the funniest part. Maybe I’m biased though

Next week is my last week at work. I’ve given myself Thursday and Friday off, told them that I have appointments, but really I just need to pack and get stuff organised for the big trip. So excited. I’m also going to make time to go to the Aquarium. One of the beluga whales had a baby, so I want to see it while it’s still a baby. If I wait til I get back, it won’t be so little anymore!

OK so it’s the end of the day and it’s almost time to leave work.. YAY!
Off to get our drink on at The Cambie cos it’s Luke’s last day at work. You might remember last time I went to the Cambie with work friends I got smaaaaashed and was amazed at how I got home. Hopefully the same happens tonight

Kirsty xx


21st June 2008

so i want to know - how did you get home?! : ) was it as eventful as last time?!
26th June 2008

Haha no, not nearly as eventful as last time! I've just written about it so go read my child :)

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