Los Angeles

Published: June 10th 2008
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Hi all,
Well I made it safely to LA where Rob was waiting patiently for me - my flight had been delayed by 3.5 hours so that was a bit of a pain for both of us. I had the worst flight I'd ever had as my head cold is horrendous and I can't take decongestants due to being pregnant. So the airplane air made my head feel like it was going to explode. I was lucky enough to get a row of 4 seats to myself so I could lie down but every time I'd fall asleep I'd wake myself up with my own snotty snoring. Classy.
But after the nightmare that was getting through LAX we stepped out into beautiful warm sunshine. Rob seems to have gotten the hang of the subway system already so we got to our hostel on the Hollywood Blvd pretty quickly so I could shower.
Man, this town is full of nuts! We've seen spider man hanging around downstairs, not to mention Jack Sparrow, Chuckey, and all sorts of other crazies dressed up for money.
Heaps of Scientologists too wanting to get us with their Vulcan death grips. They keep offering us free stress tests in kind of menacing tones. We were careful not to step on Tom Cruise's star on the street so we reckon we're safe for now.
So, yeah, just one night here - we're catching a bus to San Diego tomorrrow. Will probably stay there for 2 nights then head down to Baja Califonia to hopefully stay in some gorgeous resorty type place.

I was going to upload some of Rob's photos but there's no USB connection so I'll have to do it later. He's already had quite a few adventures, including a hitchhiking one he won't tell me about yet, hmmm... He almost stepped on a rattlesnake in Los Osos and had some big nights out in San Francisco.

Better go before I run out of internet (that's pronounced "innernat").
Love, XX Krista and Rob.


12th June 2008

beware of scientologists
oh poor flower your flight sounds atrocious! beware the sneaky scientologists - they're shifty buggers. You can tell just by looking at Tom Cruise. Enjoy the sun and don't feel too sad about missing out on the tequila. Just remember the nasty hangovers! xxx

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