Broken Hill Part 2

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June 9th 2008
Published: June 9th 2008
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Later in the week at Broken Hill we visited School of the Air, we arrived at 8.30am and watched a lesson to the Kindergarten children. It was wonderful to see how it all worked and hear the children talk back and forth to their teacher often hearing their little brothers and sisters in the background.

We went out to Silverton which is a Ghost Town 50mins out of Broken Hill, once a town of thousands it was interesting to see so few buildings remained.
Note Mad Max and his car outside Sliverton Pub!

On our way back to the Hill we deceided to visit 'Dreamtown Mine' we both put our miners hat on and grabbed the lights for our hats and proceeded up the rise to enter the mine. Three young fellows were waiting to go down as well, we got chatting to them and were talking about Geologists, I mentioned about our nephew Jono being a Geologist now travelling in Chile and one of the fellows said 'Is he travelling with a girl named Dahna' well I could not beleive it, he was Dahna's boss back in Sydney.

Here we are in the outback of the outback, miles and miles in the middle of nowhere, just 5 of us and there was Howard...unbeleivable!

Another very interesting morning at Broken Hill was our visit to the Royal Flying Doctors Service, John Flynn who you will find on our $20 note was a wonderful man. A Methodist Minister who while working at Broken Hill saw the need for a better medical service to the folks in the Outback...hence he starting the Royal Flying Doctors.

RFDS now has 44 King Air planes who service all over Australia from many different bases, the RFDS can be on hand within 2 hours anywhere in Australia to help people on the land and travellers at absolutely no cost to the patient.

A quck visit to Pro Harts Gallery on the way home was amazing, his paintings are wonderful and we loved his painted RR.

On our last day we ventured to the Line of Load Restaurant situated on top of the slag heap in the centre of town along with a memorial to the miners who have lost their lives over the past 150 years.

Photo of me perched on a stool enjoying a coffee was at our favourite place for coffee 'Thom dick and Harrys' we went there everyday and managed to grab a takeaway on the day we left town.

Loved Broken Hill and had a great week there.

Additional photos below
Photos: 22, Displayed: 22


10th June 2008

How about that
Well Virg, 6 degrees of separtion at work again.
11th June 2008

Whatever will happen if coffee shops are not available?

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