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November 8th 2005
Published: November 8th 2005
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4:20 PM ...Just before work. I am hungry as hell. We had planned to get up and go out for lunch before work but was too tired to crawl out of bed. I called down to Diane and she was stll sleeping as well. This going to bed at day light is a killer on my system. So I called Surash and told him not to come until later. It didn't help, at 3pm George called up to say he had arrived. I asked him to send him away. I hope he returns.

I asked George for some Apple juice and he was glad to bring some up. It looks more like apple pure/pulp, all thick and creamy looking. I said "George what is this"......It is good sir, no; he responded. He insisted it was fit for consumption but he said the same thing about the eggs and toast he made for me a few days after we got here. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I think I will have some Beef Ravioli's until I can get something better to eat at work...No much better but better...hehehe. I brought a few non-perishible food items with me from the US and am glad I did. Tomorrow I will go to Food World and grab a couple potatos, onions, olive oil and eggs to hook up for myself when I get hungry here in the flat.

George also asked about laundry for clearning. Rita said not to do it and she knows best. Plus, George has worn the same olive green kaki's and rust colored shirt since we arrived. Most people here do NOT have a washing machines/dryers. The old scrub tub/hang dry method is employed. And I understand that they do not use bleach for there whites.

For those of you who ar wondering, I am still smiling. The honeymoon part of the assignment is over and the real work has begun. And I am up for the challenge. Hell, I have to be. You are are asleep as I BLOG this....Why Starbuck's has not branded itself here I will never know. I am ver disappointed in them.....

Oh, note to 007, I got the watch fixed. I think it was just a matter of replacing the battery. All the features are working now.

OK I must shower for work it is going on 5pm. I am crossing my finger that the driver will appear at 5:30. Wish us luck

Oh one last thing, the rains have subsided. It has not rained since Sunday and then only a bit. It is HOT and very humid here though. Namaskar Mere Dosthte


8th November 2005

starbucks in india
In order for Starbucks to survive, they need people who show up every day. That means that they need to have a population that can throw away $4-5 every day. Most Americans cannot do that & are in debt up to their eyeballs because they make many small, stupid financial decisions. In a country where the vast majority subsists on less than $2/day, Starbucks is only something for the wealthy.

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