Through the looking glass

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Europe » Italy » Liguria » Cinque Terre
April 10th 2008
Published: April 10th 2008
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For those of you who have been to my home, you probably remember the picture of the quaint town and harbor that I have over the fireplace. That picture was the reason I decided to make this trip, and today I went to where the picture was taken. Cinque Terre is a group of 5 towns along the Mediterranean Sea. I drove to the first one, parked and walked the pathway to the second one. I was hiking along towards the third one, but the path was closed due to the rain and bad weather. At that point, I took the train and skipped the third town. I thought this was ok because it is a small one and not as incredible. I arrived in Vernazza, the town I so wanted to see. I walked around feeling like I was Through the Looking Glass, or in this case, through the picture. I had bought this picture back in the 90's, and have spent a lot of time looking at the houses, cafes and such. Today, I was walking in that picture. I went up to the tippy top of the old castle, had lunch at one of the restaurants that I always looked at. It was truly an incredible experience. And the lunch was over the top incredible. Salad, Mixed Seafood Grill and a Panna Cotte that I can't get out of my mind. Brooke, if you are reading this, we need to make some Panna Cotte. This was the softest, silkest I have ever had. Yum to the 10th degree!!

After lunch I went looking for the photo spot. I had the right idea, but was a little South of where I needed to be. The hike was up up up, but had some incredible views. I did not see a single person as I hiked. I finally gave up, came down and headed on the path towards the next town. It was on this trail that I found the spot. Let's just say that my camera called Uncle after all the pictures I took.

I followed the trail for just under 2 hours up and down and all around the steep hill. It kind of reminded me of the Columbia River Gorge, but was hugging the Sea instead. The trail was steep, narrow, wet and actually kind of dicey at points. It wasn't until almost the end that I came across the gaurd station for the other way and saw that the trail was closed and they didn't advise hiking due to the rains. Woops. Ah, what the heck. I have some amazing photos.

Ok, I realize I have chatted up a storm on here tonight, so I will end soon. I cannot write enough about how magical today was. Not sure what to do tomorrow, but stay tuned. Same Brendan time, same Brendan channel.



10th April 2008

You found it!!
So that town really does exist? I CAN'T wait to see what your pictures look like!!!!! I am SO GLAD you found the town you were looking for. I have such fond memories of that picture, given the number of times you and I consumed vast quantities of beverages in front of it..... :) Keep the pics and comments coming!!!!
10th April 2008

Hi Brendan
Brendan, Jennifer Bardes passed on your blog address to me. I am having a wonderful trip down memory lane. I am reliving my trip to Italy with Jennifer through your pictures. Other than the weather, looks like you are having a fabulous time. Just wanted to say hi and enjoy!! Lisa Gooding

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