We're off again!

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April 9th 2008
Published: April 9th 2008
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We've given up our jobs, sold our house and most of our possessions, packed four suitcases and a guitar and are 5 days away from our new life in New Zealand. We'll be travelling from Auckland to Christchurch, looking for somewhere to live, work and generally enjoy life in a new country!

Our last few of weeks have involved a mini-tour of the UK - visiting friends and family in Pembrokeshire, Wirral, Liverpool, Northamptonshire, Shropshire and also whistle stop tours of Oxford, Tenby, Cardiff, Bristol and Southport.

We're starting up this travelblog again and will be publishing from the road...

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9th April 2008

Au revoir!!
Wishing you both a safe journey - dont forget 'to look after that bear'! looking forward to hearing about all ypour adventures LOL Maria
10th April 2008

hey there!
awesome! way to go!
12th April 2008

Enjoy the adventure
Emma and Tim The adventure has started - enjoy and I hope your wishes come true. Emma - some of the words that I frequently used in the office during moments of tension can also be used in New Zealand - if you forget them let me know and i'll provide a reminder!!! Love Paddy, Amanda and Edward X
13th April 2008

Bon voyage!!
Enjoy the adventure!! I'm already saving to come visit...any excuse to go back to NZ! Lots of loveXXXX
18th April 2008

Happy Birthday Emma
Hi Emma and Tim hope you are both well? Just a quick email to say Happy Birthday Emma, hope you have a good one. Look forward to reading the bloggs and hope you are both enjoying yourselves. Lynds

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