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November 6th 2005
Published: November 6th 2005
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A platform, thats what cairns is, a platform to step of into the vast jungle that is the tablelands.
The destination was pks hostel, the plan was to cross crocodile infested waters, sit on a bus and get off at the right stop.


Unfortunately due to the unpredictable currents of the Daintree river, the car ferry got swept out to sea into a rough storm

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weve been swept out to see on a car ferry, and all but me and another chap survived the storm, unfortunately this morning he got sucked to death by a giant manta ray so now theres only me. i see in the distance an island, but its a long way off.

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Drifted up to a deserted island with nothing but a book, a tennis ball and a laptop computer with internet access. The beach is full of coconuts so have decided to call it coconut beach to be original.
Thick dense rainforrest lies adjacent to the beach which i plan to explore.

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Went in search of people and found a nutter on the top of a tree, helped him down but he doesnt speak much, i guess his language is nut known. Was going to call him Wilson but apparently thats under copyright so instead have called him scuba fred.

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Attempted a game of tennis with scuba fred but he just doesnt get it, looking out for ships.

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Built a raft and now standing in the crows nest to get a better view

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Just realised Scuba freds a coconut- i cant believe it, he looks so different from the others!

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Just found out that coconut milk is a natural laxative

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Night time - been on a night walk in the jungle and come face to face with some of its top predators - beauty!

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Swung around the jungle a bit, Tarzan style - or not as the case may be.

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Built a kyak from coconuts and paddled to civilisation - sore a few angry reptiles on the way

Back in the safety net of Cairns

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


Amethyst pythonsAmethyst pythons
Amethyst pythons

the biggest of the pythons!
unwanted visitors on the riverunwanted visitors on the river
unwanted visitors on the river

ozzie saltwater crocs are v. aggressive

6th November 2005

Too much sun has gone to your head. Hands up who thinks Dave needs psychiatric help, that would be a resounding YES!!!!!!!! Ps how come you are clean shaven? Shouldn't you now have a beard and sandles made out of dead mans shoes!
6th November 2005

news from Sues
Dinyar put pictures on disc, so now have a copy to keep. Think Africa is safer, no coconuts!
6th November 2005

dessert island
travelling might be about finding yourself but think you lost it in this blog!impressed with the diving qualification- always handy in blackpool. dad's in scotland and mum's here but going tomorrow. loads of fireworks this weekend and the christams adverts have started. shops are already full of tinsel and icicles! x

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