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March 25th 2008
Published: March 25th 2008
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So tonight I went out for dinner with the girls. It was Lena's bday, so it was a double celebration. Definitely the hardest goodbye so far, so many tears shed 😞
Dinner was really nice though, we went to Movida, a tapas restaurant off Flinders st. I tried all kinds of foods I'd never usually attempt, like duck, scallops, anchovies, lamb etc. The laneway the restaurant was in had some awesome street art. I'll post it now, mainly because I haven't posted a picture yet, but also cos I want you to see what I'm talking about.

Today Kat and I went out did some last minute shopping, replaced my camera that I ruined the other night, I started packing, and we had Nando's for lunch. My last time at the Werribee Plaza for a while.. Awwwww. Got to see Leaha at work and have another goodbye, which was nice.

I woke up at 3:30 this morning and was able to get back to sleep til about 6:30ish. I used that time to clean and pack. I felt like shit, but figured I should take it as a blessing, cos maybe I'll be able to force myself to not be jetlagged by staying awake during the night. It probably won't work, but it can't hurt to try!
It's 1:00 now and I can't tell if my eyes hurt because I did so much crying, or because I'm tired. My throat is sore but I can't tell if that's because I'm sick, or because there was so much salt in dinner tonight, that I'm parched. With the way I'm rambling, I guess I'm tired. Might try and have a few hours sleep, but I know I have to wake up early, to make sure I have everything packed.

My suitcase closed, which is a good start. I still haven't packed everything, hopefully I don't end up with too much stuff, or else I'll have a hard time at the hostel. I really wish I knew someone in Vancouver now, so I could stay with them at the start. Too late haha.

I don't think I have much else more to say.. I probably won't blog for a few days, unless I find somewhere to plug my laptop into. Actually I lie, I'll find a way. I won't have access to my phone, so I'll have to get on, just so i can have contact with you guys.

Gah, I miss everyone so much already.

Til next time my hearties,

Kirsty xx

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25th March 2008

Argh your picts came out soo well, it must be the 10mega pixels hehe.. Miss you alreads even though I have just spoken to you and msged you my song.. mwah xox
25th March 2008

just had a major teary at my desk.. boo hoo! xox

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