My first entry!

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March 24th 2008
Published: March 24th 2008
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Hey all,

I've got two sleeps til I leave for Canada. The day after tomorrow. It's super crazy, I can't believe I'm actually doing it! Mine would have to be one of the most drawn out goodbyes ever, I've been talking about going for as long as I can remember!

So for those who don't know, I'm spending four nights in LA when I first get over there. I'm staying in the Motel 6 (woo classy) that is pretty much right on the walk of fame.. that excites me. I'm going to see a Lakers game, going to SeaWorld in San Diego (to see the killer whales) and of course doing a Hollywood tour, complete with a bus tour of the stars' homes. Such a tourist haha. Then on the 30th I fly to Vancouver, check into my hostel (it'll be my first time staying in a hostel, let's see how long I last til I check into a hotel!!) and I'm seeing the Foo Fighters on the first night I'm in Canada. How excitement!

Hopefully the jetlag won't be too bad.. I've stocked up on the No Doz anyway, just in case. I don't know that i'll be sleeping too much tomorrow anyway, I'll be so anxious.

I had my first cry before, I was packing and I was thinking about how much I'm going to miss Calvin, my family and all my friends, and it got too much. I'm going to be a mess at the airport. Worst thing is I then have to sit alone for two hours before the flight leaves. God.

This weekend has been huge. Tara and I went out on Friday night, but had absolutely no luck finding anywhere to go. I had no idea that clubs closed on Good Friday? I'm sure I've been out on Good Friday before. So we were home 90 or so minutes after we left haha. Saturday was better, we went to Elephant. I was so excited when the cute English bartender from a few weeks before remembered my name and that I was moving to Canada. Love. The band were good but there were two little moles that were being their moley little selves and annoying me after a misunderstanding. Kinda ruined my night. Whatevs.

Last night was Marquee, I had the most awesome time.. thanks everyone for coming! Tara, Laura Y and I had many a pre-drink in our hotel room beforehand, and then started to walk to Marquee. We got as far as the Crown carpark before going in circles and getting ridiculously lost. Taxi time! It was two for one Cruisers for the first couple of hours, and we took great advantage of that. God, it hurts just thinking how much alcohol I had last night. God it was fun though. Got back to the room about 4:30, Allen kindly drove us. He got pulled over too, which was kinda exciting haha. I feel a little less than human today, but I deserve everything I get.

I soaked my camera yesterday, that's the third camera I have ruined. I'm the clutziest clutz there ever was, I'm sure of it. Expensive lessons to learn. Hopefully it dries out, if not it's another trip to Ted's. Ugh

I think that will do for now, I'll be sure to keep this as updated as I can while I'm overseas.. So keep checking back!

Kirsty xx


24th March 2008

so jealous.
damn you and your canadian-ness. :( how dare you leave me in australia to raise feral children whilst you gallavant across the planet. please update often in vivid detail, making me as jealous as humanely possible as the chances of my ever being able to afford a trip to canada are pretty fucking slim. question, i have a hens night at marquee to attend next week, any ideas on what i should wear ? (bearing in mind i don't generally 'club' usual attire involves pajamas.) oh.. and have fun ! :)
24th March 2008

I'll be sure to keep updating, more than happy to make you jealous, if that's what you want! Anything goes at Marquee really, jeans and a top, dress, skirt, whatever. You'll fit in if you dress up or dress down. Have fun, and stay downstairs for the retro if you have any say in it, much more fun!
25th March 2008

I hate goodbyes!!
Yay for your travel blog. I've already book marked it and subscribed. I cab't wait to read about your adventures. You really need to give all the gory details, although maybe if your family will read this maybe do that else where. Your gonna have the most awesome time and i am so jealous, and i am gonna miss all our fun times together but atleast i'll have the memories. If i win tatslotto i'll come visit you but i doubt that will happen. But all the best, and all that.. dont wanna get to gushy, cos i'm getting emotional already. But keep in touch, and know that you will always be loved by me and all your other aussie friends!! Okay full blown tears are in action now, cos this is actally real now. But i am so proud of you for finally doing it. It will be the best time of your life. Take care, be safe, have fun, find a sexy man (future husband), and have FUN!!!!! xoxo Love Always Laura
25th March 2008

Oh god goodbyes are my least favourite thing at the moment too! Feels like all I've done is cry, and I haven't even left yet! Thanks for your kind words, I'll be sure to keep everyone updated on everything (and maybe do special entries for the gory details hehe)

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