Long A** Flight

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October 31st 2005
Published: November 1st 2005
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4:25 a.m. Happy Haloween. Our flight landed about two hours ago. The Airports was an interesting experience. The airport is somewhat dated and I can not tell what it use to be. Looks more like an Airport hangar that doubles for an airport. Lots of people standing outside the airport and lots of government police. Oddly, some white guy asked me if my name was Anthony Wilson... Strange cause I have a nephew by that name. I am getting tired now. Diane and I had a "finally we are here" cocktail before I cam upstairs. I better complete this before the power goes out again. I was sitting here blogging earlier and the power just went out in the building. Not the ones around us. Our "guesthouse" buts up against the HP headquarters here. The lights there did not go out. I have a three bedroom apartment...it is really spacious. It is so humid here you can smell it in the air....and all over the room...scented candles are what I will be looking for tomorrow. I exchanged $25 for 1259 R's at the airport so I am rolling in the dough....Kelly met us at the airport. I am tired but I don't want to go to sleep which is strange. Tomorrow you will see my Blog from the plane ride. No time this evening/morning to enter it. The accomodations are what I expected....They are nice but I wish we were in a Western Style hotel in the downtown district. We are near the Airport, around the corner from Rita. The building is nice....a new contstruction fromt he looks of it. But go inside and things beging to look a bit dated. Strange that there are marble floors throughout the place. The furniture is dated but clean. We were greated at the Airport by a beautiful young girl handing out flowers. Below is my Blog from the plane ride over....

Namastay Mere Dosthte's...I am laboring to add my first entry in to my travel blog by hand. The reason for this is cause I have not been able to tap in to a secured wireless connection. It is now 7am Chicago, 3pm Germany, and who knows what time is it in Bangalore...We have just left the Frankfurt Airport and are climbing to 37000 feet This business class stuff is nice. I met up with Diane at the "Red Carpet Club" in the UAL terminal in Chicago. We had gourmet cheese's and sipped beers in comfortable overstuffed leather chairs, compliments of the airline. Seats were great on board a UAL 777. The dinner was Filet Minon with garlic mashed red potatos, cream spinach, and tossed salad. Before dinner there was an appetizer of Smoked Salmon, fresh shrimp, and some type of pinapple with cream cheese (which I did not eat). I enjoyed a couple cognac's before dinner, a French Bougoulais with dinner and a Port after dinner. I forget what was for desert....I was drunk...Diane had ice cream..... I had no problem with sleeping. I usually can not sleep during travel. I am still drawing a blank as to why I slep so restfully (not).... My neck was kiiling me when I woke. Just before day, I was awakened by our Sky Waitress closing shades so as to block out the imposing sun.... The flight was 8 hrs versus the 13 I though it was. We missed out on the "Red Carpet Club" in Frankfurt....I was rushing to get to our next fate and when we doubleb back we met a long long security line. We landed in the Lufthansa Club Lounge which was OK cause they had food/coffee.....But we had breakfast on the plane before landing. I tried tirelessly to get a Wifi line but I could not unless I signed up for vodaphone...not happening. Good thing I kept track of the time or we would have missed our connecting flight.... Lunch was excellent...I had a traditional German dish called grolsh...i know I got that wrong...It was Goose, potatos and red cabbage.... No cute Hind's yet (I love you Shug)...

Getting sleepy and my eyes are tired...and I probably have had too much liquor...I feel sick...going to bed now....


1st November 2005

You Lucky Bastard
Sounds like your trip is getting off to a good start. Drinking, eating and somebody to fluff your pillows. Not that India is on my list of places that I am dying to see, it sounds like it is going to be one hell of an experience that you'll be able to talk about for the rest of your life. That's living. French Bougoulais drinking bastard... Anyway, Charlette and I are glad to hear that you are safe. We hung out at Jack's Bar on Sunday with Shanti. (that's we call the bar in our house) Shanti always brings a Sharazz which is cool for me but Charlette is wondering if it is rude to tell him that she doesn't like Shirazz. I'm leaving for a 5 day college tour on a "luxurious" coach bus. I'm sure the smell will outweigh your issues with the smell of humidity. Halloween was cool. Kazi was an astronaut. Be cool and safe.

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