from Hollywood to Bollywood

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March 3rd 2008
Published: March 3rd 2008
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Well It's official. Before my time is up in this life.. I need to, will be, demand to be in a Bollywood music video as a leading female role.. a Bollywood Movie will do..

So far, the 2 night stay in each city has still been in effect. After 2 nights in Varanassi.. I was done.. It's amazingly beautiful for it's ancient traditions.. the spirituality.. the rich culture.. But on another spectrum.. It gets very annoying being a traveler as it is.. an alone female traveler being gawked at, bothered by every male 3 yrs old to 80.. And it really does frustrate me seeing kids at age 8 trained to sell like the sleeziest car sales men you see in the states.. You wonder why the hell aren't they in school? If India and China are booming faster than the speed of light.. why aren't they enforcing education on every child?? Its obviously easy to suggest but the complexities are far beyond our understandings.. Religion has a part to do, tradition, government...

My flight to Bombay was at 3:40 pm yesterday.. I got to the airport a little earlier and wrote in my journal and relaxed in the dim ghetto restaurant/bar upstairs where mostly only Indian business men were.. I couldn't help but order the fried chicken, fries, and beer.. When it came, there were maybe only about 9 pieces of fries, and I caught myself a little annoyed.. then I realized what a FAT ASS AMERICAN I was.. I landed in Bombay around 8:30 pm.. I had been communicating with Bunty, Ved's best friend from Bombay about staying at his home.. He had said to pay no more than 200-300 rupees for a taxi to his place. Barely after I stepped out of the plane, a Sikh Indian (you can tell by the Turban) approached and said "pre paid taxi?" I said yes, ok, where is the counter (you pay first at a booth at a set rate, then they find u a taxi, a part of the airport).. and he kept insisting i follow him , that it was pre paid, blah blah.. before you know it, im at his car, and i asked "ARENT I SUPPOSE TO PAY FIRST?" HE SAID "YES, PRE PAY".. then he urged me to get in his car, he started driving and then his accomplice showed me this chart which said i'd have to pay 1300 rupees. I WAS LIKE "FUCK NO! GET ME BACK TO THE AIRPORT! IM NOT PAYING MORE THAN 300! MY FRIEND WHO IS A LOCAL TOLD ME! DONT RIP ME OFF!" I was quite pissed off, and at this point in my trip, I have no more tolerance to be polite, ms nice girl.. When someone annoys or pisses me off, I let them have it. Then the taxi driver tried to convince me that 200-300 would only be if I were sharing a cab. I said no idiot, get me out NOW. So he waved down the taxi behind us which was a cheaper car and said it'd be 450 rupees. I said fine, I was tired of bargaining.

I got to Bunty's apartment off Hill Road in Bombay shortly after.. You wouldn't believe it but the highways here are just as paved and technologized as ours.. This place looks like the States.. completely advanced, with ING billboards, Motorola, Etc... Bunty wasn't home as he was in Goa til this afternoon for a trade show.. So I was greeted by his father, mother and uncle who was home, and welcomed me in. It was definately quite awkward at first, as I have not even met Bunty before, but trust him very much because he is Ved's best friend.. I felt like I was in an apartment in NYC.. We sat around and watched the Bollywood Academy Awards show.. Just like ours.. 2 witty co-hosts.. Hot bollywood female actresses in Provocative clothing performing.. and having Indian Whiskey on the rocks with the father (was very amazing.. I'll have to bring some back).. Around 11 pm, they ordered some Indian food in.. and was deliciously spicy and tastey!!!

I've been waking up later and later now, Got up around 8 am .. and had some milk tea (you start to have at least 3 a day.. its an addiction).. After some breakfast and relaxation.. Bunty's dad took me on a rickshaw for some street shopping.. There I bought 4 sandals for about 3.50$ each.. I am excited to do all my shopping at the wednesday flea market - Mapusa in Goa this week..

Bunty just got home not long ago.. he's showering, and then he's taking me to town!! We're gonna drive and tour the city a bit.. have some nice dinner and go to a club.. my flight to GOA (all the trains were booked for the next 6 days 😞 I heard the train ride down was absolutely beautiful.. ah well).. is at 5 am.. So basically I'll go to the airport inebriated after a night out .. and start to consume as soon as im in GOA at 6 am again 😊

I'll be back this saturday.. So prepare for some madness once Jacki's back in town !!!


3rd March 2008

Yay I cant wait for your return!! Although I will miss your stories lol!! They get more and more interesting..Im addicted lol! I am excited to hear how the clubs in Bombay are and to hear what Goa is like! Be safe and have tons of fun! Love you!

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