day off!

Ecuador's flag
South America » Ecuador » East » Tena
February 27th 2008
Published: February 27th 2008
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Fiji CrewFiji CrewFiji Crew

This picture is for my Fiji Crew and I hope you guys like it, and reckonise it!!

Today I had a day off of school, hence the title. It was all to do with honouring the Ecuadorian flag or something. It was a big event at the secondary school I went to but I haven´t seen much fuss anywhere else about it. I have attached some pictures. Basically The Kids marched in and a lot of spanish was said, they sang the national anthem and then they took it in turns to kiss the flag.

It was also Jessica, Bilma´s oldest daughter´s birthday today, she is 17. I got her some braclets and they also had a rather big cake which was very nice.

On one of my many strolls round the local area, I fell across a river really close to where I am staying. I was very inspired by this river that i gave into this cockeral waking me up in the morning, and I got up and went for a swim. It was pretty cool as it was completely deserted but was a bit cold!

Not that much more to report, only thats it is lovely and hot here and am getting a bit of a tan!

buenos Dias

at the bottom of this track is the river, I just liked the picture so I hought I would put it in!


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This is the smaller kids marching into the basketball court at their school. They were pretty good at it, I have to say!
Kissing the flagKissing the flag
Kissing the flag

Basically, the child had to march up to the flag, bend down, say something, and then kiss the tip of the flag. The louder the kid said, whatever they had to say, the louder people clapped. As you can tell I didin´t quite get it!

This is Jessica. It was her brithday today. This is her school uniform and this is her marching.

27th February 2008

Loving the flower!
Jealous about the tan! Loving the flower, I think I recognise it from somewhere.....? ha, ha. Hope you are well. Take care and Enjoy! Ruthx

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