weekend one

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February 18th 2008
Published: February 18th 2008
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This is part of my walk back to the homestay
Hi all

I had a varied weekend, to say the least. On Saturday I went to a sort of nature reserve, in the middle of Tena. It was sort of part of the rainforest but all the trees had labels and their different properties. It was the hottest day yet, with clear blue skies. It was cool to walk round and Then I saw a small monkey and thought ´what a great picture opportunity!´so I kept still and it did eventually come close enough for a good picture. I then started to walk on and this monkey kept following me and started to get really annoying and freak me out a bit!!!! It was just me and the monkey and it was doing some very strange things. So I swiftly left the reserve, after about an hour of being stalked and harassed!

On the sickness side It hasn´t been great. I found myself heading forwards and backwards from the outside loo all through staurday afternnon and night. My homestay dad told me its my malaria tablets but i´m still not entirly convinced. Anyway, I spent most of Sunday in bed catching up on sleep.

Was at school today
part of Tenapart of Tenapart of Tena

This is a view flooking at one side of Tena. These are the two rivers converging that make it such a good white water rafting spot
and was thunderstorming all morning so we had to stay inside but its cleared up now.

Thanks all for now!!


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some sort of fungi I think I just liked the photo!
my roommy room
my room

a bit messy!!

18th February 2008

Glad that you are really having an adventure! Not too sure about the mad monkeys, sickness and blisters, but thats sometimes travel for you, maybe not the crazy monkeys so much! Enjoy and take care. Enjoying reading your blog already! Ruthx
19th February 2008

hey How are you? Being here is really making me think alot about Fiji, and I´m already really excited. Have yu heard back from the new zealanders yet?
19th February 2008

hello little sister glad to here you are making friends, if only with a monkey, its an impressive start for you. photos look nice. hope your having fun love verity
20th February 2008

ur room looks well good actually its better than i thought it would be.give it another week and it will be a mess!!
20th February 2008

This is a very fair comment, especially coming from xomeone who has seen my room at home!!!
5th March 2008

Damn you , you made me laugh in the middle of the computer cluster! I feel so out of touch with nature and the world in general here, I'm sure there are some advantages to Leeds though. In fact I found somewhere to actually go on a walk the other week and went on a trek through some woods and across a field (shock horror!) Anyway, sorry for the delayed response to these comments if you ever actually read them...

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