Rajasthan Encompassed

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February 11th 2008
Published: February 11th 2008
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Really Rough Route

Some of the villages were too small to find but this is kinda where I went!

India is almost over...

...but Ive been to some amazing hotels so ive not really been roughing it, the last one in bi-jaipur was a castle converted to a hotel which had amazing grounds, and for some strange reason i thought id go for a horseback ride, not only did i get a maddogcrazy horse but it freaked out when bulls came running at us through the streets, but at least i have checked that off my to do list for life.

The night before that we were "camping" on a lake but they were huge tents with their own showers and bathrooms, but the lake was beautifull and there was good banter all day. At night we climbed up to the ruins of a nearby 1000 year old fort, everyone was pretty freaked out but with a few swigs of rum i wasnt so scared. Also the english guy from the trip was so wasted he managed to fall down a sort of sewage pit in the dark and had to get rescued by the staff, total hilario. We also visited an opium farm which was interesting to see, they had none for sale. Officialy its ordered by
Opium MunchingOpium MunchingOpium Munching

soon to be on the mean streets of glasgow
the government for medicinal purposes but people grow more and sell it onto the blackmarket, which eventually makes ots way through to the mean streets of glasgow.

I had a massage as well that im not going to go into detail with, but lets just say i wont be getting another indian massage any time soon.

I spent my birthday in the holy town of pushkar.
When they say holy it means there is no meat or alcohol and alot of tree huggin hippy crap people.
Although its not that holy as since there is no alcohol everyone gets stoned instead, holy city indeed.
My birthday afternoon consisted of a camel safari, which was nearly as painful as the horse back ride.
But the day got better as the whole group went for dinner together as it was the last night, so my birthday meal was a spicy pizza, and the celtic v aberdeen game was on the tv (I was wearing my strip as well), so i got to see the first two goals. And as if that wasnt good enough I was surpised with a cake with my name on it. I'll get pictures of that
castle bi-jaipurcastle bi-jaipurcastle bi-jaipur

it was our hotel, great place.
later cause there not on my camera!

Our leader shailandra then played another card by calling a friend that lives just outside the city limits, enabling us to sit in his garden with a fire and get drunk. so thats what happened. good times.

My india experience is nearly over but im really glad i came here, its an insanely different way of life, but the food, the palaces, the forts, the funny type of broken english that eveyone speaks, village kids wanting their pictures taken, the monkeys, the insane driving, all made it worthwhile.

My next entry will be from Singapore/Malaysia, where I will be trekking through the wilderness all by myself, going from crappy hostel to slightly less crappy hostel. So stay tuned.

Much love, Kevin.

p.s I am no longer jet lagged.

Additional photos below
Photos: 23, Displayed: 23


Felofel SandwichFelofel Sandwich
Felofel Sandwich

I take bck everything i said about humus.
Camel LandscapeCamel Landscape
Camel Landscape

in pushkar
It looks like there kissingIt looks like there kissing
It looks like there kissing

but the guy just forced them together for "good picture"
My shadowMy shadow
My shadow

(im on a camel)
Rantik loves the third eyeRantik loves the third eye
Rantik loves the third eye

he did actually eat three portions
The lake where we campedThe lake where we camped
The lake where we camped

had real nice tents (bi-jaipur)
Penguin lovePenguin love
Penguin love

open invitation to be used
wind palace in jaipurwind palace in jaipur
wind palace in jaipur

im told its famous.
the town of bhundithe town of bhundi
the town of bhundi

one of the first blue villages
bhundi palacebhundi palace
bhundi palace

was great
me getting sacrificedme getting sacrificed
me getting sacrificed

i was at the top of a thousand year ruin...hammered on rum
simon and the holesimon and the hole
simon and the hole

he fell down it wasted
chilli mouthchilli mouth
chilli mouth

i actually ate it, im solid.
tiger footprintstiger footprints
tiger footprints

the closest ive come to finding one.

11th February 2008

Just brill
Hi Kev, Lovin every minute of ur travel blog!! SSooo jealous, and keep 'em coming. Take care and don't go near anything dodgy looking, lol . Fi. xxxx
11th February 2008

awsome blog-Celtic won 5-1 from faither
11th February 2008

ooooh my gosh, these are the best things in the world. congrats on conquering india kelv- and HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY! love you molly
11th February 2008

It's so cool seeing you in all these places that I've been to!!! That part of the world is mind blowing, so savour it while you can. Did you go to the museum in Jaipur? That's my favourite museum ever! Anyway, don't worry about the begging, after India's out of the way you don't get much of it. Thailand's much more tourist friendly, and if people are trying to get money off you it's usually for ornamental beads or a bit of slap and tickle! I'll compose a survival guide for Australia soon! Have a good one mate!
11th February 2008

hey hey
so good to hear you had a good birthday. funny thing is me and paul had got in an hour before you rung...a tad pished. i watched the celtic game with them! cant believe it is over 2 weeks since i saw you at the airport! had a wicked time in denny, was wicked! hope your good
13th February 2008

Funniest Blog
I do love your travel experience and the pics. are hilarious! You party like a rock star! Everyone's other blogs are such complainers... It looks like you had a great time. Hope to follow in your footsteps...
13th February 2008

yo kev, don't do anything I wouldn't do. One time I will be in when you phone. Stay sexy, keep wearing that Celtic top too x
13th February 2008

Kev you keep getting your ugly mug in the way of a good photo

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