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February 9th 2008
Published: February 9th 2008
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My fish is constipated and the Alliance Francais won't sell me french books and it's raining in the dry season and we have three weeks left of this school business and we're all a bit done. Done, done, done.

I'm not going to dazzle you with tales of the orient this morning, I have a purely selfish motivation. I have come to a fork. In the road, ya know. And I'm feeling so this way and that way about everything and the only thing I'm sure of these days is who I'm voting for in the international primary this afternoon (which by the way, I rallied the troops and have TEN, yes ten, people in tow who wouldn't have otherwise voted ...). But that's it. Beyond that the smallest details become looming conundrums and it's draining and so I'm soliciting.

Do I go or do I stay now. Hit play.

The "promotion" that's on the table now is a bit less shining than I was originally led to believe it would be. It's basically the managerial stuff with out the academic coordinator bit, so the leg work without the creativity. And the money won't be nearly as much more as expected. As most of you know, this was going to be the deal maker or breaker for the next year. Either I got what I wanted and I'd stay or I didn't and I'd pack it in. Except now I'm left standing in the middle of the road and so I list.

Pros for staying: Lifestyle, money, liking, learning from and being challenged by my job, Snack, no hastles, pedicures, cheap and plentiful food, I'm already here

Cons for staying: my job might get stale fast, prolonging school will only make it all the more painful and I'll only be that much older than the stupid kids I'm going to suffer through the last of my classes with, backpacker flings get old, gouda, people here are pyschotic, two of my favorite people are leaving (and coincidentally, one is moving to Boone), I have to continue to deal with Andy in the office (brief backstory: ex-friend turned maniacal lush who won't leave me alone and is unfortunately infused in not only my job but most of my circles of friends), flings get old -- did I mention that?

Pros for going: Gouda, finally finishing school, Gouda, snow, no sex-tourists (cohabitating with eligible bachelors), the back-to-asheville pilgrimage of three of my favorite ladies, hiking in my mountains with Gouda, cooking, people who live in reality, and Gouda

Cons for going: Major hastle (with school, with finding a job, finding a place to live, taxes), likely hating my job and classes and everything I have to do for the first year, let-downs and delusions about moving back to what was my city but I'm sure is a very different place without my crews and the obvious bit about the ex, major money withdrawals, culture shock, more hastles with leaving here like selling my bike, finding a home for Snack, things like that, money crunch

So there it is.

Help. Hit play.


12th February 2008

come home

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