Fiji Time

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Oceania » Fiji
October 23rd 2005
Published: December 5th 2005
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Before Fiji I had a couple of days in LA staying with my most excellent friend Lyndsie. Thanks Lyndz!
Fiji Time is Any Time... no need for watchs and clocks. The people are probably the friendliest and most chilled-out people in the world. Fiji exceded my expectations. And my budget.

After a day in Nadi I found the perfect place to head to for some excellent diving... Robinson Crusoe Island on the Coral Coast. I got stuck right into a PADI open water course and withing a few days I was certified (as a scuba diver, not a nutcase) and hooked.

Next I wanted to see some more of Fiji and sample the diving somewhere else. A 3 day sailing adventure onboard a 40' yacht fitted the bill perfectly and I got to see a bit of the Mamanuca and Yasawa island groups.

Then back to Robinson Crusoe for more diving, hammock time and fire dancing before heading to NZ.

Right, time for a quick commercial break. Stay tuned -
Want to dive in Fiji? Check out Nautilus Dive on Robinson Crusoe Island. The dive sites have stunning coral and fish, lots of sharks and a local turltle by the name of Emily. Two very experienced divemasters that came to dive here told me it was some of the best diving they'd ever done. And the German couple that run the dive shop, Tommy and Nadine, are thoroughly great people.

Additional photos below
Photos: 19, Displayed: 19


Fiji moneyFiji money
Fiji money

Still bears the face of our beloved Queen as Fiji is a member of the commonwealth, despite gaining independence in 1970.
Robinson Crusoe IslandRobinson Crusoe Island
Robinson Crusoe Island

The boat was greated with typical Fijian guitaring and singing, and the hospitality continued throughout the stay.

A huge Spanish Mackrel we caught dragging a lure behind the yacht. Luce, the guy holding it up, is a world class dancer and entertainer, a scuba instructor and a boat captain and manages to do all of these jobs every week. These people amaze me.

Its a hard life, eh?

I was elected chief of our boat and had to represent out group in an official welcoming by the chief of a remote village on the island of Waya. The chief is the guy with the beard. This photo was taken just after a formal kava ceremony whereby the chiefs drink a bowl of kava - a traditionl Fijian drink made with Papaya roots, with mild narcotic qualities - to gain acceptance into the village.

Our fine vessle, the Perilus Jack, can be seen anchored.

Rocky a friendly mongrol from the local village, and best friend of our captain, swam about 500m from the beach to our yacht when the captain called him. He was so tired and panicked when he got to us that he got some free breakfast and a ride home in the dinghy.
Mamauca IslandsMamauca Islands
Mamauca Islands

These are Treaseure Island and Beachcomber Island. Not far away is Castaway Island, made famous in a certain Tom Hanks movie.
Time to goTime to go
Time to go

Serenaded again. It was sad to leave - I hadnt even had time to learn how to climb a coconut tree. Maybe next time...

26th October 2005

you put me on your blog!!! I am deffinitly not as exciting as the afroian fiji men dancing around though! I am so jealous!

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